Day out

It was a beautiful day today, and in the sun it was comfortable until the breeze blew… in the shade it was distinctly chilly, so I’m very glad I had my (Belgian) shawl.  Jerry was extremely annoyed that I was out without him, and barked when I was getting dressed, when I was leaving, and when I returned he sniffed at me disapprovingly then jumped on my lap and refused to get off for well over an hour!  He’s gone to cuddle Don for a moment, so I’m typing frantically!  Don is still feeling miserable, although he’s a little better today again.  He somehow manages to wake up to watch sports (and records them on the PVR to delete them the next day)  I’m sneaking in my cozy mysteries between games.

I’m enjoying being able to get decent sleep at night, I hope that this stays for a while!  I am always tempted in the morning to stay in bed longer, but I’m really working on maintaining a sleep schedule.  My appetite is fairly decent, although my sister-friend will question that as I only managed half a croissant sandwich when we were out for lunch.  I enjoyed the half I had, and my (freshly squeezed) lemonade, and I’m just waiting for the kettle to boil so I can have a cup of tea.

Like many other hand crafters, I’ve got loads of wool but I always buy more.  The thing is, I’ll buy for a particular project but 9/10 times, I either over- or under-estimate how much I need.  Overestimating is not much of a problem, but it does mean that I have quite a few scraps, none of which is sufficient for a new project (even a dishcloth)  Underestimating, though, can lead to problems with getting more to match.  For some colours, especially when I buy on clearance, that can mean that I’m out of wool — I have a tablecloth, for instance, that has corners that are a different colour from the rest of  it.  I’ve bought other yarns because I wanted to try something new, they were on sale, or I fell in love with a colour and just bought.  I’ve got some projects in mind for which I’ve bought the yarn but I haven’t started yet — and let’s not get on to my WIP (works in progress) which I’ve started but haven’t finished.  I’m rambling on about this for a couple of reasons.  One is that I’ve found a plethora of online, like-minded crocheters who share patterns and photos of their work.  It inspires me to try new techniques and to stretch my abilities.  I also got a few books on fabric making, which is what you do when you crochet including some things like beading or wire work.  I’m not certain that I’ll get into wire work, although it’s lovely but it’s apparently a very advanced technique.  The other reason, and you’ll probably laugh, is that I got a text from my sister with photos of the small people wrapped in their blankets.  She says that they really love them, and they spend lots of time playing with them, or cuddling them and they insist on sleeping in them when they’re sick.  She said they’ll need bigger ones when they grow, so I’d better start planning 😂  It seems that I’ve got long term commitments to make items.  

I have made various crochet items for friends, and I’ve promised a couple to others.  There are a few rules that I have for these.  Essentially, I only make gifts, not commissions.  Blankets are very rare for me to make, as they take up a lot of time, are heavy and expensive.  I know that crochet items are seen as old fashioned, or “granny-ish” and there are some people who dislike them intensely, having bad memories of crocheted lace doilies scattered on tables everywhere.  I also know (thanks to Precious) that the time I take to make a crochet item can easily be superseded by sweatshop labourers.  Crochet, so far, can’t be machine made, although there are knitting machines (I’m not sure I have the patience to learn to use one, and I definitely don’t have the space for it!)  So if someone gifts you a crocheted item, it’s representative of many hours of work; which is also why they’re so expensive.  I know there are people who make and sell items, but they agree that it’s “pin money” not a living wage.  All that to say that it seems that I have my winter’s hobby all settled, and I’ll probably be spending a lot of time tangled in skeins and arguing with myself to not buy any more wool!  Or books!  Before anyone asks, I don’t get wool from Facebook Marketplace or any online resellers as I’ve heard too many horror stories of wool arriving with “guests” like bed bugs or fleas and I don’t have the energy to deal with anything like that.  

OK, that’s it from me today.  I’m working on the teddy’s blanket this week, and I found an item that might work for my nephew — provided that I have enough wool to make it!  The boys are dozing in front of the sports game, so I’ll leave them and dive into my book and finish the row I’m working on.  Good night!


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