First Day!

It’s hot. Summer is holding on with both hands, just letting everyone know not to count the season out quite yet!  It was almost 25C at 8:30am, and extremely humid, just getting progressively worse throughout the day.  When I spoke with Don this morning, Ottawa was close to 29C and he was grousing about the heat and humidity.  Jerry did not approve of the heat, and jumped down from being cuddled to lie by himself in front of the fan.  Don said that he got a decent sleep last night, after not much the night before, so we spoke fairly late this morning.  I’m happy to report that he is eating a bit better, which is good news, but he was commenting that he wanted to get some stuff from the grocery… I know what my tasks will be when I get home!  Hopefully they’ll still have a reasonable selection of fruits when I return.

Oh, I’m sleepy!  I slept quite well last night, although I woke up several times, none was longer than a few seconds during which I drank some water and then went back to sleep.  That’s about the second night’s decent sleep I’ve had in the last week and a half or more.  Marvellous!  Sleep is so lovely and restorative.  I did wake up early (more later) which explains this afternoon’s zoning out!  I ate today, which was also good — we’re planning to go out for lunch tomorrow, so I’ll need to practice not leaving most of my meal behind!!  

Today was the first day of school… my niece started junior kindergarten today, and she woke up squealing like it was Christmas morning, “I go to school today!”  She came in my room to announce that she was dressed and ready for school — hence my early awakening 😁  The enthusiasm was so charming to see!  My nephew was a little jealous of the attention she was getting, until he was included in the photo taking before they left.  She was dropped off to school, since her parents wanted to meet her teachers and do a proper handoff.  The video shows that she was eager to join her classmates, and managed to find herself at the front of the line to go in, waving bye quite cheerfully.  On the other hand, her parents and her brother all broke out the tissues.  She seemed to enjoy her day, although she was a little over stimulated when she got home.  She just kept insisting that she wanted time alone first, and didn’t want to talk at all.  She’s calmed down now, and was just cuddled on my lap for hugs and to play with my phoenix pendant.  My elder niece had her first class at university also, and she was very excited.  Her term was supposed to start yesterday, but her classes were rescheduled to later in the week.  Today was her first Mandarin (elective) class, and I’m waiting for the report on that now.  She’s also excited about her classes and the whole university experience.  She actually told me, though, that I’m a little dramatic, and should tone down my reactions several notches… ah, the respect she gives me!

It’s so much fun watching the back to school process and the excitement.  I have a half wish to return to school, but then I remember things like assignments, deadlines and exams, and I’m happy to just audit classes.  I really rather like the online learning sites where universities offer a number of free courses to the public, with a paywall to receive certificates.  I’ve done a couple which I’d never have considered in my university days, as I was heavily science oriented and these were in topics like history and linguistics.  I’m missing my sciences, though, so I may audit a few classes on that.  

OK, it’s apparently time for Bao, which is the current favourite show, playing on repeat (it’s only about 5 minutes long) and both kids love it, saying that it’s funny and scary… I’m definitely not cut out for long term babysitting, since I’m now sick of the repetitive shows that make my brain feel like it’s turning into mush!  I guess that if they like it I shouldn’t complain, although I can’t watch The Wizard of Oz anymore; my elder niece used to watch the whole movie and then insist on watching it again when she was 2. That was in the before streaming days, so the DVD got a lot of use!  I’m in demand at the moment, so good night!


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