Boxing Day

Another somewhat overcast day, but mild enough that I could leave the door ajar for part of the day.  Not now, though; I’m rolled in a blanket and pretending to be a wrapped roti 😆  Jerry is still happily playing with his toys from yesterday which are still holding their shape, but are beginning to lose the stuffing… He was on my lap until he heard the microwave oven get turned on, and is now in the kitchen, looking hopefully at Don’s plate LOL  There were several hockey games on today, with the Juniors and another tournament in both of which Canada played and (I think) won their opening games.  At least, I assume so, because there was some cheering, followed by some log sawing 🤪

I slept like a log last night, and reluctantly got up this morning because I was warm and cozy!  But I ate lots today.  I’d been dreaming of a scrambled egg-and-ham breakfast, which I made and ate in it entirety.  That, I’ll have you know, was a standard sized meal back in the day.  I found a really good applewood smoked ham that surprised me with how good and juicy it was!  Then I had some fruit this afternoon, followed by a slice of lemon shortcake (also surprisingly good!) and then dinner was leftover turkey from last night, complete with potatoes and dressing.  In summary, I ate quite a bit, almost my usual amount.  That’s just great, isn’t it?  I’m debating now whether I want to make a cup of tea or not.

I’d like to wish my “twin” a happy birthday.  We’re exactly 6 months apart, and it’s my obligation (and entertainment) to remind her that she’s the elder one 👼  We’ve been friends for about a half-century, hard as that is to imagine, and our mothers used to joke that they had an extra daughter as we were close to inseparable as youths.  Life has intervened and we don’t see each other as often, but she remains my sister and one of my closest friends.  

Has anyone noticed that, especially on older movie musicals, that someone will be playing a single instrument — a piano, a violin, a guitar — and then they’re suddenly accompanied by a 20-piece orchestra?  I honestly, as a child, thought that the other instruments were normal, and I was surprised that if I played a piano there wouldn’t be any accompaniment.  That stopped when I was about 10, but it really was one of those things… like expecting people to break into song randomly in the street, or perfectly choreographed dancing… I love musicals, I do, and they remain my favourite form of theatrical entertainment, but it’s always mildly disappointing that people don’t sing and dance randomly.

OK, I’m off now.  I’ve decided to make a cup of tea before I head to bed and then I’ll get some rest.  Good night!


  1. Great to see you up and about. Happy ham day!


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