Merry Christmas

I’ve been reminded that a “green” Christmas is no fun, and we really should have some snow.  I’ll agree that a week of snow, starting last night and ending on New Year’s Day is what would be ideal!  It’s overcast and a bit grey, but milder than one would expect.  My nurse commented that she didn’t feel as cold as she did a couple of days ago, so 😁 Merry Christmas from Jerry, who has his latest sacrifice… it lasted FIVE MINUTES before he chewed off a leg/ear something from the “untearable “ chew toy that can resist all strong chewers.  I’m going to seek a refund from the manufacturer, which swears that its toys won’t rip.  Don is currently working on dinner, and I’m looking forward to it.  It won’t be the full meal, but that’s ok as I can’t do a full plate anyway!  But he insisted on a traditional meal, so I won’t argue.  We haven’t opened presents yet, just been enjoying the day, relaxing and playing with Jerry’s new toy while it lasts.  No sports today, but from tomorrow I have no access to the TV because lots and lots of hockey.

I’m fine today; I slept late, mostly because we were up past midnight (I don’t know if we can do that next weekend!) watching It’s a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Carol and a concert by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir (always wonderful, although this one was a little disappointing as it was a collection of clips). Therefore bedtime was almost 2am!  No complaints… late bed for fun reasons is never a bad thing.  Breakfast was a pastelle that I extracted from the depths of the freezer, a slice of ham and half a Kaiser’s roll.  Since then, a friend dropped off a plate of cookies (Many thanks again!) and I had some fruit, while waiting for dinner.  Lots of parang, and I’m happily loaded up on Daisy!  I confess that I’m a little sleepy after my late night, but it’s all good.

I hope that everyone had a day full of love and care and happiness.  It’s my first time without any of my parents, which felt so strange.  I normally would talk to one of them, but… times change, and we must change with them, right?  I did get lots of photos from my cousins as they celebrated, and I’m happy to see that.  I also, of course, talked with my sisters and was woken up so I could see presents being opened!  Ah, the overload of gifts is just delightful!  Especially since the small people aren’t yet at the “we want the latest electronics” stage!  My nephew got a collection of planes, of which his immediate favourite was a Spitfire.  My niece got the skipping rope she wanted, and informed me that it’s for “when she’s a big girl”  We’re trying to explain that she’ll learn as she grows, but that falls on deaf ears 😆 She also got a necklace with an “aunt and niece” pendant, which is “so pretty!”  My elder niece got a new computer, and is thrilled as her older one was beginning to show its age.  Auntie and Uncle are happy to have added to the cheer for the day.

I’m going to wish you all the joy and blessings of this holy season, and I hope that your hearts are filled with all good things.  Part of an old sermon comes to mind… “we rush through all the preparations  for Christmas, the meals, gifts, decorations, and then do the same things we always do — social media, email, watching TV, making noise, and then complain that Christmas is too commercial.  Of course it is, when we make no effort to change anything.  Turn off the noise, enjoy the time with family, take a moment to talk with each other, and suddenly, Christmas magic will reappear.  Wouldn’t that be an excellent idea?”  Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good night!


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