Fundraising 😆

This is the view from my window this morning… it’s got a bit whiter since then, but it’s not quite over yet.  Very glad I didn’t have to go out today, because I don’t think that I can manage to dress warmly enough since my clothes are somehow getting larger… I went to put on a dress I hadn’t worn for a while, and nearly slipped all the way through the neck!!  ðŸ˜’ Jerry, as usual, has been my shadow all day; I only managed to free my legs when I went to the bathroom or was in the kitchen!  He’s lying on Don now, who is not thrilled, as he’d like to be able to stretch out a bit!  During the night, Jerry climbed onto my (almost full!) bladder, so I had to get up… then he got back and settled in a ball under my knee — my fault for having my knee up instead of lying flat!  Don almost got into trouble today.  The doorbell rang, and I answered it to find Purolator with a large, heavy box.  I signed for it, and when I shut the door, yelled at Don for buying crap without discussion.  He went to open it, and discovered that it was delivered to the wrong building!  They delivered to 75 instead of 45!  So I called Purolator, struggled with the auto chat thing, got on to a human, and they returned in just over an hour to pick it up, acknowledge that it was their error and removed it.  Hope it made it to the correct recipient ok!

Today was the day that my nurse came to visit.  She checked my blood pressure which registered at 84/53, which we all agreed was LOW.  I wasn’t feeling dizzy or ill or anything, and she made me increase my liquid intake and I retook the reading this evening.  It’s still low, but it’s closer to my usual — it’s now 99/58 (my normal is 103/65)  My appetite is outstripping my food availability… I think that’s probably a good sign?  Meal prep will need to be increased, which is easier since I now have daily support, which is helpful.

So… just to irritate me, today I went to use my oven, and found that the oven isn’t working.  I turned it on, the light didn’t come on, and I thought, “the light must have blown; how do I fix that?”  But then the oven didn’t heat up.  We checked the fuses, they all seem fine — we even switched a couple just to check — nothing.  So my afternoon has been spent in researching a replacement range.  In some ways, it’s not a surprise as this was one of the original appliances from when the building was built and it’s 40 years old, but it could have given some warning!  Annoyingly, my stove is what’s called “apartment sizes” which means the oven is not much larger than my microwave and it’s the smallest available standard stove.  The replacement options, however, seem to have less functionality!  No clock, timer, plug; no window in the oven; no light; only manual cleaning option and no storage drawer!  Then it’s ridiculous how expensive they are.  Disgraceful!  I see a few days of research ahead of me, as I had quite a bit of baking planned, as things like casseroles/lasganes are easy to do; and fun things like cakes or cookies…  Thankfully the burners work, so I can still prepare food.  

Anyway, that’s today’s drama.  I’m hoping to find something soon and replaced before the holidays, so I don’t have to beg everyone to cook me dishes and other such things.  I’m still not good at asking for help; that’s been a weakness of mine forever.  I’m off to sort out supper, and then I’m diving back into my books which are quite addictive.  I’m more of a fiction reader, and I realized that when I react to a character and start muttering about how they need discipline/a family/to learn certain lessons, etc, I know that the writer has managed to bring them to life, and they seem real enough that I’m engaged.  This one, I’m working hard to resist turning to the end in the hope that one character will get an appropriate comeuppance but also worried that they’ll suddenly become the romantic heroine.  I know, I’m odd that way!  Good night!


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