Christmas Adam

Someone sent me this lovely thought, and I decided to share with you all.  I hope you enjoy!  Today is Christmas Adam, for Trinis of a certain generation, and Tibbs’ Eve for my Newfoundland friends!  Gotta love all the various celebrations, don’t you?  We’re somewhat overcast today, and there are murmurs of the S-word overnight tonight, making the whining slow down.  Jerry is lying on my feed, after trying to steal my blanket.  He’s got this habit that I’m unable to break where he likes to chew holes in soft fabrics, so he’s often in trouble.  Don was watching sports, but his recording ended 2 minutes before the end of the (tied) game, so he was quite upset.  Then I pointed out how to check scores online, which only partly comforted him, as he’d missed the last goal (which defeated his team) and he’s trying to figure out how to avoid this in the future.  He’s watching some true crime now, and I’m just waiting (im)patiently for the end of the show so I can sneak in It’s a Wonderful Life ðŸ˜†

So I highly recommend cooking and freezing meals, as it lets you have something to eat without stressing about cooking!  I’d forgotten about a couple of meals that I’d prepared a while ago, until today when I was getting quite hungry… problem solved!  I slept quite well, thankfully, with no interruptions, so that makes me happy.  I’d really have preferred to have a stack of meals, but I do have a few, so that’s a start, right?  As I mentioned yesterday, days all blend together for me, so I’ve got no idea when we are.  I suddenly realized (and I apologize to my father unreservedly!) that Christmas is 2 days away!  We always used to laugh at Daddy who never remembered Christmas until today, and in those days, malls didn’t open on Sunday so he’d often be stuck in traffic trying to get gifts!  I didn’t do that, but I did suddenly realize that I am again modelling Mother Hubbard so I rushed to put together a grocery order.  Good thing, too!  I’d thought we had a turkey in the freezer, but it seems that Don cooked and ate it when I wasn’t paying attention — probably spending time with my sister and the small people!  I’ll update on progress as we go.

I’ve heard and read all the news articles about food inflation; I am not an economist, although I’ve got some excellent friends who are, and my reaction today was, “How are people supposed to be able to eat?”  Fresh fruit and vegetables are astronomical in price!  I’ve always had some rules about costs and what is a reasonable price for most items, and my mother and aunt used to laugh at us for doing that.  But if (say) potatoes were more than $2/4kg bag, I’d do without potatoes until the price dropped.  Today the supermarket would like me to pay $1/lb for them!  Guess who isn’t eating mashed potatoes for Christmas?  Apples — this season, so reasonably fresh — are almost $2/lb.  (Should be under $0.50!)  My habit is to buy meat on sale in fairly large quantities, bag into portion sizes and freeze, because I am frugal.  Glad I did, because turkeys were averaging $60!  Chicken, bought and frozen in the summer, will be on the menu.  I’m stunned at prices, and worse, the cavalier attitude that the senior management seems to have towards prices.  They’re happily accepting salary increases in multi-millions, underpaying staff and saying that their profits are not due to price increases but “supply and demand.”  They say this with a straight face, too!  There’s something very rotten in the state of Denmark, where money is concerned!

OK, it’s meds and dinner time (not necessarily in that order!) so off I go to deal with that.  I’m particularly looking forward to a hot cup of something comforting… Good night!


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