Friday… maybe?

I apologize for this one, people seem to like my sister’s torture devices (puns) so I’m sharing.  It’s been 🤬 cold 🥶 here the last couple of days, although it’s now officially winter, and Mother Nature seems to think she should exert some cool!  It’s been sunny and pretty, but that’s so misleading as the sun offers ZERO warmth and the cold just goes through to your bones and the wind cuts everything.  Jerry doesn’t like the cold, either.  He burrows under any blanket, throw or sweater that he can find, and curls into a ball.  I don’t blame him.  Don has started wearing his fur-trimmed moccasins around the house, just to keep his feet warmer; he’s watching a Christmas at Graceland special right now, smiling happily at all the country music stars, and especially the reruns of Elvis’s singing.  I enjoy a lot of the old songs too, so I’m happy to listen to it.  He pauses every so often to tell me some trivia from when he saw Elvis perform live a long time ago…

I had a follow-up appointment with my doctor yesterday.  My dear friend P drove me out to it, as it was at a hospital I don’t usually go to.  After the appointment we went for lunch — I had 3/4 of a personal pizza and half an apple crumble with ice cream; they had a club and a coconut cream pie.  Yum.  That’s the most I’ve eaten at one sitting in a long while!  Anyway, my next session of chemo has been moved out to January 4, so I can eat over the holidays and partly because next week the hospital is running at lower than usual staff, so I’m not complaining.  We will continue to be optimistic about the treatment, although we won’t know how well it works for a while yet.  Don actually talked to our family doctor today!!  We had a scheduled time for yesterday which overlapped with my appointment, but the family doctor called to say that he’s working remotely, would I be OK changing to a video call?  Done and done!  At least he spoke and that’s one slightly less concern for me.  My regular support worker is now in quarantine until after Christmas, leaving me with a rotating series of temps.  I’ve had to accept a couple of men, as they’re so short staffed, and I will add that I’m still not very comfortable getting showered by them, but I’m coping.  It’s that, or not bathe, which isn’t an option.

I have no idea what day or date it is.  I’m in a bit of a blur, where one day blends into the next, and I just wait for the nurse, support worker or medical delivery.  So it was something of a surprise for me to learn that it’s the Friday before Christmas… and worse, that Christmas is on Monday.  I have made exactly no preparations, in part because I was planning some cooking with my worker, and partly because I have no spare energy.  I intended ordering some pastries from a favourite bakery, only to learn that they’ve closed and are moving to a new (undisclosed) location.  So much for that idea… I’m not sure yet what will be on the menu, but there will be something.

I’m going to go find something to eat; I’m a little peckish.  Jerry is having an attack of the zoomies, and I am exhausted just watching him.  Good night!


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