
The weather is playing games.  It’s “mild” where it’s around 4C, but there’s a biting wind and a cold that sinks into your bones.  I woke up in the middle of the night, and looked out the window into a thick grey mist.  It cleared up, and was sunny and overcast a bit which is lovely.  Jerry decided that he wanted to play around 4:30 this morning but refused to leave me, so I slept in a pretzel… he was singularly unconcerned and when I got up, he was in my lap almost before I sat down!  Don was looking sluggish today, and dozed off and on, when he wasn’t watching the news.  I’ve found that after about 15 minutes I’ve heard all the relevant news that I can handle, but he’ll watch all the talking heads repeating themselves.  We have different strategies for coping — he wants to know everything that’s going on, I just want bite-sized bits.  I’ll read longer articles, but I can’t watch the same reel 5 times in a row!

I had a normal-sized bowl of pasta bolognese (with chicken) last night for dinner, and today I had a pork burger.  I was able to eat 5/6th of it, so I consider that a win!  Any time I have an earlier appointment, I find that my sleep is interrupted… I had to be up this morning by 8am, but I was tossing and turning for a lot of the night.  I woke up at 7:30, said, “Ok, I have a half hour”… then it was 7:45, then 7:50, then 8:09!  Bit of a rush, but it was ok.  My support worker’s hours have been increased, so she now comes every day.  I didn’t expect it to take effect so quickly, but the new person (my regular worker is off this weekend) called to say she was on her way.  She’s in the kitchen right now, tidying up everything.  

In case you were wondering, my “superwoman” stunt didn’t affect me or my energy yesterday.  In fact, one friend commented that I looked better than I had for a while!  But I had a series of phone calls to make or return, some appointments to straighten out and so on, so I was very distracted; I stopped to eat (my worker cooked for me) and then went back to my list, and then I realized that it was late to update my blog.  Sorry!  But it just meant I needed some extra time to clear off my “to do” list.

In some awesome news, I won a trip (9 nights) to Antigua for 4 people in a church raffle.  I just got the package details (one of my phone calls 😂)  and I’ll be sorting out details soon.  If anyone would like to contribute to my beach and resort wear fund, that would be awesome, as my summer clothes are… well, I tried on a dress yesterday and almost fell through the neck!  I’d like to plan for the spring, so we’ll be working on that!  Air fare isn’t included, but the route from Ottawa could include a stopover in Trinidad (there’s a change of aircraft there) which would be even better.  My elder niece starts her first job on Monday, and she’s quite excited, as am I.  It’s hard to imagine that the tiny baby is an adult now.

I know it’s early, but it’s already pitch black outdoors, and I can feel myself lagging so I thought I’d update you guys before I had supper and dozed off.  Hope you have a good weekend, and if you’re Christmas shopping, I hope that you’re able to find what you want without too much hassle!  Good night!


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