Christmas Eve


This is not my tree; I didn’t have any energy to do anything this year, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.  It was another cold and damp day, where the chill soaked into your bones, making it feel worse than reality.  Don snuck out this afternoon to do something, so Jerry curled into a sulky ball and grumbled that the world is unfair and he’s a neglected puppy who nobody loves and he’s forced to sit on my lap!  Don is back now, so my boys are on the sofa.  I’m going to commandeer the TV soon, and overindulge in sappy sentimentality… beginning with “any time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings!” And proceeding to “🎼 I’m dreaming of a white Christmas 🎶” and “🎶 You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch!”  The order may change, but that’s the plan for tonight!  Of course, by midnight I should be on to “I haven’t missed it!  Of course, the spirits did it all in one night!”  Yes, overindulging is happening tonight!

My BFF dropped off some ice cream (and a tantalizing hint that it goes “with the mysterious contents of the bag”) and I’m inclined to have some with a couple of madeleines as a snack… any objections?  The bag will wait until tomorrow, of course, but the ice cream was handed over separately so I think it’s fair game… Meanwhile, though, I’m just being a little lazy.  I got a grocery delivery today (praises be for that service!) and the support worker helped put things away.  I’ll most probably have fruit tonight, and maybe ice cream as a light supper.

I wish you all a very merry Christmas and good times with loved ones.  For those for whom this is a difficult time — first time with an empty chair, or one of those types of events, I wish you peace, comfort and the love of people around you.  May things only improve from here on out.  Personally, I am eager to meet up with friends again soon, and to have a chance to spend time with others.  Good night and may God bless us, every one!


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