
It’s got colder since yesterday, and the weather is even worse, with rain and snow — and sleet — just making things wintry.  I’d honestly prefer warmer and no snow; the news guys were moaning that we might not have a white Christmas as we won’t have the minimum 5cm of snow needed to meet the definition.  Given that there are several dreadfully strong storms battering the East Coast, I’m not sure that’s the biggest problem right now… Jerry is on my feet, rearranging my blanket to suit him, never mind that when I stand up I need to be careful that I don’t trip and fall.  I feel a little bad that I can’t take him on a long walk; he could really use it if only so he doesn’t bark at everyone constantly.  Don seems to have found a treat that he enjoys, so he’s happily stuffing his fact right now.  There’s more sports upcoming, and he’s annoyed that his team has changed the coach and something something, so he’s muttering sadly about that.  At least it keeps him busy!

I’m happy to report that I was able to eat a decent sized meal today, and felt better for it.  I also had a really good sleep, I think I’m on the last drip — at least for this week — as my blood pressure refuses to go up.  I have no idea why or what else to try, but I have noticed that I feel more alert later in the day after I’ve had my infusion.  I’ve been averaging about 10 hours a night, which might be a bit much, but it seems that my body needs the rest.

I’m watching Dr.. Seuss’ The Grinch with Benedict Cumberbatch in the title role.  Lovely animated movie with a long list of prominent actors.  The children annoy me, as they usually do.  I know they’re supposed to be cute and clever, but they seem to scream, “I need supervision!” Which might explain why my niece has me permanently banned from watching most children’s  movies 😆 I plan to watch the 1966 classic over the next couple of nights, and culminate with my favourite late on Christmas Eve.  Why do we run out of fun movies on Christmas Eve?  Come the morning, there’s nothing left… and on Boxing Day we begin the “year in review” which is a week of just stressing, with critics who complain that nothing is enough.  Sad.  Meanwhile, though, I’ll just enjoy my movies and think happy thoughts.

That’s it for tonight; I’m going back to my movie and enjoy the bright colours and cheerful decor.  Good night!


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