Snowy day

It’s been snowing on and off all day; going from large lazy flakes drifting down to tiny stinging bits of ice to freezing rain… it’s going to be an absolute mess on the roads, if it isn’t already.  Thankfully I have no appointments tomorrow, so will be at home, probably getting a start on my Advent wreath (a day late!) and pulling out some of the decorations.  Jerry has made it crystalline clear that in his view, my lap is his daybed, and at night, it’s usually my tummy, and he disregards my attempts to shift him!  Don wasn’t too chipper today, complaining about the pain in his arm, which seems to fluctuate with the weather.  They are both on the sofa now, dozing, with Jerry on the outside so Don can’t stretch out properly.  I’m enjoying the short break of no dog on my lap for a few minutes!

I told you that I’d woken up early yesterday after a broken night, so last night I knocked out completely… much better night last night, and with the snow, a day to enjoy being warm and indoors.  I’m adjusting to having support workers daily.  It’s remarkably helpful, but trying to arrange things so that it’s productive time is a little challenging; especially when they show up without warning (like yesterday)  It’s surprising how quickly the change got implemented.  Very glad that’s in place, as it makes my life more comfortable.

A friend and I were talking while I was browsing Amazon, and I was asked, “what are you looking for?”  I said that I’m looking at books.  Their reaction was as if I’d said that I was out clubbing baby seals and barbecuing children!  I recognize that not everyone is as much of a bibliophile as I am, but their reaction was honestly OTT!  Why do people react so negatively to reading?  My brother openly admits that he’s not a fan of books, except comics / graphic novels, and is tolerant of my collections of various books that are stored in cases all over the houses.  I’m often reluctant to part with some favourites, but I’m getting a little better now.  Although my selection of books is more restricted than it was — in part because my tastes have changed, and partly because there’s not much room left for new ones!  Anyway, I just found out that 2 series that I really enjoyed had new volumes added, so instead of being trilogies, one now has 7 books, the other 10.  I was trying to decide whether I wanted to buy the extra ebooks (at $11 a pop), paying a subscription fee to an app to see if I can read them, hunting for secondhand copies or what… the library, to my great disappointment, has NONE of them!  That’s my usual go-to, but now… I am not a pirate, so I don’t tend to go searching for free copies, in part because I used to do that, but the copies were poorly scanned and tended to be unreadable.  Tossing my friend’s reaction into the garbage where it belongs — and I really only mentioned it because it was so extreme — the question is:  do I buy 12 ebooks at $11 a pop, or do I pretend that the series ends with the ones I have?

Any recommendations are welcome, that’s all I’ll say.  I’m off to find something for supper and then I’ll settle in to watch a Muppet Christmas Carol!  I see that Hallmark is releasing its usual flood of mush, but I’m certain that there’s not a new plot in the mix!  They’re utterly interchangeable, bland and syrupy.  Even in the days when I’m bored and needed background noise I can’t tolerate them!  Good night!


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