Feels like a weekend

More snow today, complete with icy winds and deep chills.  Ugh.  ðŸ˜‘  Not my idea of a fun day, although I confess that I was very tempted to spend a few hours wrapped in my blanket, lying in my bed being all cozy!  I didn’t, as the phone didn’t seem to stop ringing all afternoon!  It was at a point where I wanted to turn off the phone and just ignore it, but that would’ve meant more time returning calls!  Jerry moved onto my lap, stretched out and took a nap, using his paw to pat me on my boobs.  Every time the phone rang (which was often) he’d sit up with perked ears and begin growling or else he’d bark at noises (wind, usually) for a while.  Don’s arm continues to give him twinges of pain, but he (and I) spent several hours online researching new stoves.  The challenge with older appliances is that repairs are often more expensive than purchasing, so we’ve been busy trying to find something that works for us.  For some reason, today feels like a Sunday, but my checks of my calendar say it’s Tuesday!

I had some decent meals today; I’m still pleased that I’m so hungry.  I’m hopeful that this reflects in a bit of weight gain, but I’m not going to obsess about it one way or another.  I’m not in any pain, thankfully, and while I still don’t have huge amounts of spare energy, I’m not flagging either.  Cautious optimism is the catchphrase du jour.  My calls were a reminder for my PICC installation tomorrow afternoon at one hospital, and a notification that my chemo treatment is scheduled to begin the following day (Thursday)  I was a little stunned by that, but the nurse informed me that it’s a 1-hour session, so not too bad.  The next one will be the following week, then I have a break before the next.  So it seems that I will be bald again by Christmas.  I was asked how I feel about it, and all I can say is “meh” because it’s not thrilling, but it is necessary, so we’ll work on what has to be done.

Please allow me a moment to bore you on the “hunt for a new stove” saga.  It’s not a gripping tale of battling dragons or anything, but I just want to vent.  As I mentioned, my stove is about 40 years old and is “apartment sized” meaning that it’s about 24” (61cm) wide, while a standard stove is between 30 - 36”  The oven is the size of a larger microwave, but it’s a workhorse.  The one I have has an extra power outlet (very convenient); 2 oven racks; temperature scales in both Fahrenheit and Celsius; oven light; 3 smaller and 1 larger coil burners; a clock; timer; oven window and an option for accelerated oven cleaning.  My basic rule for replacing an item — regardless of what it is — is that it must have all the features of the old one, and any extras that might be useful.  I’ve come to the conclusion that the extra outlet will have to be surrendered, as there are none of the newer models that offer it.  Apparently, windows are a luxury option… I’m agnostic as to convection, ceramic vs coil burners, front or back knobs, etc.  I’m firm on not wanting induction cooktop, as it would mean replacing too many of my pots.  I don’t need bells and whistles like “included AirFryer” (don’t use it); and I’d like to have 2 each smaller and larger burners and a configuration that allows me a slightly larger oven space; must have a storage drawer (I’ve got wayyy too much stuff!), timer, clock, window, oven light, dual temperature readings, etc.  That’s running me in the range of $1800, which is outrageous.  There are some that are in the $800-$900 range which meet 75% or better of my requirements, but they will take months!! (Delivery in February) as special orders.  I must be doing something wrong… the search algorithm ignores my “must include” criteria of 24-in and electric.  I’m getting listings for gas stoves and some gorgeous 48” ranges.  

Sorry for my rant.  It’s keeping my mind distracted from other things, so that’s good.  Dinner was a quarter chicken with sourdough, grapes and a clementine.  I was too hungry to cook some pasta.  I’ll probably make some rice tomorrow and perhaps a sweet and sour sauce for the chicken…That’s it for tonight.  I’m being scratched (someone needs to remind this dog that he’s a dog, and not a cat!) to get back on my lap… Good night!


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