Ad libitum

Well, I've learnt that travel is still a painful process for me. My flight- 1hr 10min- wasn't long, nor was it uncomfortable, but my back was in agony. As my sister put it, I was in a straightjacket for the duration, as the seat position is uncomfortable, so it was a bit of a strain. That aside, though, I'm very happy to be with the family. My niece is not yet accustomed to me, and has spent most of her time saying to me, "No, no, no!" She sometimes will allow me to listen to story time or to watch videos with her.  (I've watched "Blues Clues" and "Tru" and "Coco melon" and I'm filled with brightly coloured characters!) It's a work in progress to get her to acknowledge me. It's all good; I know that she will get used to me in time.

I miss my boys while I'm away. It seems that there are common behaviours, as Jerry refuses to acknowledge me too! When I talk to him on the phone, he pretends to be a statue and doesn't even flick an ear! I'll have a task ahead of me in both houses.

I'll update routinely, but not necessarily daily while I'm here. I'm scheduled back in Ottawa on Dec 30, when I'll resume my daily schedule. Good night!


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