dolor sit amet

Feeling better today. My IV was inserted in the back of my right hand, making it too painful to write, type, cook..-even using voice recognition didn't work too well since Siri decided not to understand most of what I said, meaning that I had a lot of editing-which hurt. The night nurse disconnected me last night and removed the needle- and I was gushing blood. It took a while -and 3 gauze pads- until it stopped. Plus I had a bit of a nosebleed, which wasn't fun either. At least my blood is now staying inside! I saw my pain specialist on Thursday and he's happy with me. He thinks that my current back pain is mainly due to my muscles healing, and says that recovering from my back surgery will take "a long time" and 6 months isn't really very long. Anyway, hydration has improved my energy level, if not my appetite.

Jerry was annoyed that he couldn't stay on my lap with the IV in my hand. I had. to keep him off me to protect the tubing. He seems to know that I'm disconnected, and has been on my lap at every available moment. He'll have to enjoy it-I'll be hooked up again on Monday.

I have a friend who laughs at me because we have only 1 TV and didn't have a PVR until recently. Since then. however, I'm very happy with it because we record all the shows we watch and then skip all the ads. I didn't fully realize how many ads clutter broadcast TV! It's easily 15-20 minutes of an hour-long show. It's rather annoying-except for kitchen and bathroom breaks! We watch our shows at different times, without being tied to the schedule. I'm mildly addicted to streaming services and the lack of commercials-although Amazon has a bad habit of showing "trailers" before programmes. It's great to skip all the commercials as they are usually dull and repetitive.

I'm heading in for an early night and hopefully get a decent sleep. I should be back to my normal writing schedule from tomorrow- Good night!


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