pueri puerilia tractant

My back is being difficult. I've got an itch in a spot that I can't reach- and where I have no real feeling-that refuses to go. My sister has been acting as my back-scratcher at times, which sort-of helps, but the itch persists. I also noticed that I have sharp flashes of pain along my left arm with the itching. Because it feels like it's under my skin and I can't get relief, I tried using the door frame as a scratching post- not very helpful. Given where the itch is concentrated, we're now thinking that it's a nerve pain. My doctors had mentioned that the muscles, tendons, bones and nerves in my back could take up to a year to fully heal, and it's been 7 months. Aggravating, but I'll live with it.

Jerry is still sulking at me. When I call, he looks up for me, then turns his back and doesn't respond to my calling him. He just lies there, not responding. I'm amused that he doesn't move his ears, even! He, instead, jumps on Don and starts, playing with him to distract him and get him off the phone. Too funny! Don has to manage his phone use so we can get to chat at night! The kids seem happy with me here now. My nephew reaches out to hold my hand, but he still won't let me pick him up. My niece reads her books to me (at not quite 3!) and will accept water or small things from me. If I ask for a hug, she refuses, but laughs, and will play peek-a-boo. It's fine-we're all bonding, so it's good. It's a good thing that they won't let me pick them up-they exceed my allowed weight limit.

I have to confess a small, silly. indulgence! I was reading a "historical" romance book, for light reading, over the last few days. It's one of those with a tall, dark, brooding, handsome hero and a young, impossibly beautiful heroine who face problems from jealous people as their relationship grows... at least we didn't have the period of "boy and girl seemingly hate each other, then realize that it's actually TRUE LOVE." I admit that I enjoyed it, as it was a fluffy, easy read that didn't need a lot of effort. I know why I don't read too many of those, as it's the equivalent of eating only sugary cereals for every meal. It's fine once in a while, but not regularly. I have other, more "serious" books waiting, but for the next few days, I'll just indulge in saccharine-sweet, easily resolved plots, where outrageously handsome and obscenely wealthy men fall for poor, but impossibly beautiful, chaste virgins, and marry them within hours of their first meeting. Some silly flights of fancy to fill my time until I return to my boys in a few days.

I hope that you continue to enjoy the holiday season. May you have wonderful, loving family time and not have to worry about sales and shopping! Good night.


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