familia supra omnia

I'm sitting at the gate, waiting to board my flight back to Ottawa. As you know, I had a fun 2 weeks with the family. This morning. for the first time, I got hugs from both kids! So sweet! We played and read stories and bonded -I hope that the bonding stays. I've learned that I can't leave things lying around as I do at home.  Small, inquisitive fingers, sometimes sticky, will pick up and play with anything that's new or different. And cups of hot tea can become dangerous missiles in their hands (or feet, which are remarkably speedy in climbing up onto coffee tables!) I will miss being peeked at shyly around doors, with a whispered "Good morning, Auntie!" and deliciously wicked giggles. I can assure you that henceforth I will be singing, "Head, shoulders, me toes, me toes..." (that's the most memorable adaptation) My nephew now has several words, and can sing a couple of tunes. He claps along with "If you're happy and you know it..." While my niece loves reading, repeatedly, her book of nursery rhymes and often is frustrated by only reading it 3 times before bed! She is annoyed with anyone reading it with her, or worse, if any words change! Over Christmas, she got a book (The ABC's of Christmas) which had the images from the "12 days..." and she memorized them all in 2 nights! She was happily singing," 5 goldent wings, 4 call binds..- and a partridge pear tree!" before bed. Yes, Auntie enjoyed this and was good at hiding her laughs in front of the small ones.

Advancing a few hours, I made it home after a reasonably comfortable flight that was delayed by 30 minutes.  Jerry was in the car when Don arrived to meet me at the airport. A volley of barks greeted me from a way off! He jumped on my lap, wriggled under my chin and snuggled against me all the way home. He has not let me out of his sight for more than a few seconds since we arrived. He's chewing on his Christmas present now, with one paw on Don's lap and his eyes fixed on me. He was trying to help me unpack, and I almost lost a pair of socks to him! LOL.I’m surprised that there aren’t any sulks now that I’m here.

It feels a bit strange not to hear kids' rhymes on TV, but it's also a pleasant change to hear "adult" conversation. I understand the comments from "new" parents who miss talking to adults. The repetitive nature is less amusing when it's a steady diet - but again, I was highly entertained by my niece's renditions of various songs. And if I feel the need, I can watch a variety of them on several services.

I'm off to sleep now. The straight-jacket style of airplane seats is rough on my back, and I am feeling it zapping me now. I'll have a cup of hot tea, and trot off to bed. Good night, and I wish you a happy old Year's Eve!


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