lectio brevior potior

I think that it's a good thing that I carry some extra weight. That way, even on my most challenging days, I don't look haggard. There were some photos of me when things were quite rough, and I could see that I wasn't well, but it wasn't obvious. I've lost over 20 lbs in the past month, but Don says that it doesn't show. It's all good. The IV will be reinserted tomorrow- fingers crossed that we find a vein easily! I was able to eat some more today, so that's also good. Jerry spent as much of the day on my lap as he could manage. He climbed up when I sat down, and wriggled around to look in my eyes while I felt his stub of a tail wagging madly. He's such a loving dog when he's ready, and a bossy terror at times. He's very much like Longfellow's little girl-down to the cut on his forehead!

I managed to do a load of laundry today, and, as is my habit, I took a look at the books for exchange and was absolutely delighted to find a copy of a book that I've been eyeing for several years but was unwilling to buy. "The Joy of Cooking" is one of those that I wanted but couldn't really justify, given my extensive collection. It's now residing happily on my bookcase in one of the very few spaces! I'm quite happy with this acquisition, all the more because it's free. I started flipping through it, and I'll do a detailed reading later. I'd borrowed it from the library a few times, but now it's all mine! Imagine me doing a cartoon villain maniacal laugh and tenting my fingers!

I feel virtuous for doing laundry and for giving a book a home. It's just a happy news item all round, right? Of course, it means that I'm not allowed any more new books for a while. HA HA HA.

Aren't libraries great? A place full of information. What could be better? My nerdy self really enjoys spending time in libraries. I mean, you can read all kinds of materials - fiction, fact, for all ages and types; learn new languages, or shills- just wonderful! I'm irritated that I can't manage to get to the library easily, but I'm thankful for their extensive digital collection which lets me borrow magazines, books, audio books and videos! (I'll be borrowing "Babes In Toyland" again for my Christmas viewing) I'm still not fully sold on audio books, but I'm giving them a try. My only regret is the shortage of "graphic novels" (AKA comics) in the collection. There are a few that I'd like to (re) read, but I can't find them. When second-hand book sales resume I'll be found rooting through several of them! (And making donations to Jules' Little Free Library! so I have space on my shelves. I'm banned from more bookcases...)

That's today's update. I'm beginning to doze off again, so I'll head to sleep. Good night all!


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