delectatio morosa

It snowed all day today. By noon, we were buried in a "mantle of white..." It's later this year for a first snowfall than it's been for the past few years. But I did ask my family and friends in Saskatchewan and in the Toronto area to please. Keep.The. Snow. There! but they obviously didn't listen. It's at the beautiful, sparkly stage, as it's white and not many footprints in it yet. It's likely to hang around for a few days as the forecast is for cold weather. Jerry hasn't decided if he's happy or not. On one paw, he likes playing in dry snow, but on the other paw, he hates getting his paws wet and cold. We will just have to wait to see what he thinks. For a large part of the day he plunked on my lap and didn't move I finally threw him off when he was causing me too much pain He's now trying to distract Don from watching hockey!

I'm increasing what I can eat. The IV is working well for that! I am still eating less than normal, but it is improving. I'm happy about that, as I'm not a fan of starvation! I also didn't need any Ensure either; so I'm optimistic that I won't need the full course of drips. I hope not, as I don't especially like the needle in my arm-it's a little painful. I'm not whining, it's a report. When I WhatsApp'd my dad tonight, he commented that my face was fat, so I look healthy.

I was watching-well, it was in the background while I did other things- a Mickey Mouse cartoon for Christmas. I'm glad that I didn't have to pay to see it in the cinema. To me, it was drivel. I admit, I'm not a Disney cartoon fan. I don't like the voices, for one thing. I find Donald Duck hard to understand without closed captions. Mickey I've always found annoying-except in "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" in which he didn't speak. Today's cartoon had the premise that the friends-Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy. Goofy and Coco - were vacationing in the French Alps and they were heading home for Christmas Eve. Through a series of errors, they are separated and miss their various forms of transportation, so it looks like Christmas Eve is in danger of being missed.

I then wondered why is it that on TV (and made-for-Tv movies) Christmas Eve is more important than Christmas Day? The excitement always builds to the Eve; the "magic" happens that night; It seems that Christmas Day is an afterthought and anti-climactic. I'm sure that for children, Christmas Day is more exciting, but not on TV. That's also the day it snows everywhere-even in the tropics- which really is silly. I wonder if there's a way to shift the emphasis to the day? If the intent is to secularize the holiday, there may be some merit, as Santa Claus' "magic" expires on Christmas Eve, and the next day is an orgy of greed. I don't know. Each person and family celebrates as they see fit, but I'd hope that a day that celebrates peace on earth would take precedence over the night before... No, I don't see a "war on Christmas," but I do see a lot of greed under the guise of caring!

It's a chilly "I need a hot chocolate and a cozy sweater" night. I've got one but not the other, so I think I'll go put on the kettle and rectify that lack! Good night!


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