quis leget haec?

I considered sharing a photo of my current IV hookup and splint, so you'd see what we've been doing. But I thought that it's the wrong time of year to share gross medical images. My hand is immobilized to keep it stable and secure the line. It was rather painful as we used a vein in the back of my hand. I had multiple people here today-the nurse, my care worker, delivery drivers and the building manager doing fire- alarm testing. Guess who was not pleased with this foot traffic? Then he chased pigeons off the balcony. He's tired out now. He was on my lap until he got too curious about the pump and tubing. He's keeping Don company on the sofa making tiny snores. He'll be over to put me to bed in a while-but not before the nurse comes to disconnect me.

I'm happily going through my books and rereading a few. It's entirely for comfort, because they are books I've read multiple times. I read them just before I fall asleep, mostly because I don't need to focus closely. It's my wind-down ritual. I sometimes read on my IPad, and I've fallen asleep with the iPad on my tummy and the light still on... it's sad, really. Once I realized what I was doing, I switched back to physical books, which I somehow remember to put down and turn off the light before I sleep. I don't know how my brain works so I can't explain how I do that for a real book and not for the tablet! 

I, like many of my age and generation, read both paper and digital. I still prefer paper-like many others-but I travel with only digital, because I love the ability to carry hundreds of books with me so I can easily switch if I'm bored. I do have a question, though. For people who have a tablet - iPad or Android- do you also have an e-reader? I had one once, before tablets were popular, but since my first tablet, I've never looked at an e-reader. Can anyone explain the attraction? I'm just curious: And which e-reader do you use? I use a couple of apps-one for the library- for reading, and I wondered if there's a favourite that I could perhaps include.

That's all for tonight. The nurse should be here in an hour or so to disconnect me, and I'll head off to sleep. Good night!


  1. Well, I have an Android tablet but I also have a Kindle Fire which I only use for reading (now). I actually wanted a Kindle for these reasons:

    It's lightweight so your hands don't get tired as quickly as with a heavier tablet.

    You can use a Kindle to read outdoors in the sun ( though who does that). I've found that even under the shade of an umbrella on the beach, I can't see the words to read on the Kindle Fire.

    Luckily I've now purchased a tablet /phone holder which has eased the strain on my arms and neck from reading

    1. Cool, thanks. I hadn’t considered the sun aspect because I usually wear sunglasses and can’t read the screen anyway! Can the Kindle read any file format?


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