ars gratia artis

The nurse was here to install my IV. .. unsuccessfully. She tried twice, and both times my veins refused to cooperate. We'll try again tomorrow, with hopefully better luck.

Jerry is eating his food for show- he trots over to his bowl, takes a mouthful, walks back to me and crunches his food. His next step will be to bring his bowl over, just to let us know that dry dog food is not suitable for him. He wants people food, and won't ease up on the hints until he's certain that nobody is eating. He'll try to beg bites from our supper, and will complain about not getting any.

I've been watching video compilations of resin art. The videos are often relaxing, and the products look cute. I was surprised, though, at the complexity of some items. There are a number of small pieces for jewelry, bookmarks, paperweights and ornaments. Then there are the mixed-media ones, using a whole woodworking shop, a 3-D printer and so on... Those are just relaxing to watch but not really inspirational. While viewing the videos, I got into Japanese stationery, with some charming notebooks and funky pens. The crafts do not appear to be too difficult, but they are certainly fascinating. I am not purchasing any of the tools! I'm just enjoying the art and the creative process. Yes, I did take a quick look at the kits just to get an idea of costs, etc, and while the startup costs are not prohibitive, I'm not going to get a kit-yet! I've still got some incomplete projects that need to be finished before I start a new hobby.

And now I'm off to get some rest and reduce my back pain. Good night!


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