virtute duce


Remember that I went in early last night because I was tired? Well, I didn't fall asleep until almost 4am, then woke at 6am and again at 8. .. at 1am, my blood sugar was very low, so I had some juice and food in hopes that I'd fall asleep easily-not so much. I don't know what triggered that, but I hope tonight is better!

I’ve  had no IV for the fourth day now, and found that I was less bloated and less hungry than before. We'll see how things change when I'm hooked up again! Jerry followed me in and out of the bedroom last night, and today posted himself on my lap as much as possible. He's on my ankles now, curled up uncomfortably [for me) and waiting for an opportunity to move onto my lap.

Funny, isn't it. how you can go a long time without seeing someone, then you encounter them 3 times in a row? Something like that happened today. I've been a bit worried about one friend, with whom I chat regularly. about once a month. I realized recently that we hadn't spoken since September, and there had been several calls that I'd made that went unanswered. Well, yesterday he called and we chatted briefly; then today he called again, and we talked a bit longer. Then I heard from no fewer than 3 former work colleagues! One dropped by with a book-a lovely, thick book! The joy! The second sent links to some Christmas music, and the third sent pictures of an evergreen arrangement. Richness! Absolute wealth of friendship right there! I feel warm and fuzzy and loved. Many thanks my friends. It was so nice to have so many visits- including an in-person one- all at once. This week has been encouraging for calls and messages. Maybe it's the Christmas magic?

I’m frustrated with my progress- the one step forward, two steps back nature of it. I refer to it as my cha-cha style of progress, but I'd occasionally like a bit more consistent forward motion. It would be great to have fewer setbacks.

I'm off to sleep now, I hope. I've been dozing on myself for a bit, so I hope that I sleep through. Good night.


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