hora somni


I had signed up for a talk on Advent taking place this afternoon. I was looking forward to it, as the speaker is interesting. So I logged in to Zoom 10 minutes before the start, and shortly after people had joined so we were able to begin promptly. The talk started, and we were asked to shut off video and sound while the host shared the screen, and I..-fell fast asleep! I was obviously more tired than I realized, because I didn't wake up for almost an hour, when the discussions had started. I'm upset with myself for sleeping through the talk so I couldn't participate in the discussion. Sad. I was able to eat a chicken sandwich and some nice later. I'm almost craving certain items, but not enough to either order or make them. As usual, Jerry spent as much time as possible on my lap or on my feet looking adorable and cuddly. He's hijacked Don's blanket and is rolled into a ball on the sofa.

I've been watching the TV adaptation of a much-enjoyed book series. I've got a standard practice of 3 episodes of any new show before I decide to cut it. I just finished episode 3, and read some reviews. The reviews convinced me not to read reviews.

The show is pretty good as a stand- alone. I'm partly thrilled with the adaptation, as the casting is great, and so for the story's pacing is smooth. I'm seeing many of my favourite characters but they're appearing sometimes in the wrong order. If I were trying to figure out what happens next, I'd be frustrated, but they're managing the adaptation-well. It's already got a second season planned, so I'm optimistic they'll manage to adapt the 15 books and tell a coherent story. I'm looking forward to a nice long series!

Jerry is grousing that he's in need of a lap and a tummy massage so I'm losing writing space. Good night!


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