sunt pueri pueri

I've been at my sister for a week now. My nephew continues to pretend that I don't exist. He will climb over me if I'm in his way, or he will put his toys on me. But he won't answer when I talk to him and cries if I try to pick him up. My niece allows me to attend story time and prayers, and will answer a direct question, but she says. "No, no!" to almost everything I ask. It's probably a good thing that they don't want me to lift them because my back persists in causing pain and discomfort, and they are well-grown toddlers! 

Jerry is still sulking at me for not being at home. When I call, he turns his back to me, with an exasperated huff. Kids and dogs... both are sources of amusement.

Christmas shopping is mostly done- at least, I travelled with a suitcase full of kids' gifts! Then I added gifts for the parents- because I'd forgotten their gifts! Anyway, thanks to Amazon, that's sorted. I am not thrilled with relying on them, but overnight shipping is a big draw! (Especially for the lazy or disorganized among us!)

It's now storytime and prayers, and I'm allowed to take part, so I'm going to  join in. We should be making pastelles tonight, so we'll get one job out of the way for Christmas. Good night!


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