fiat panis

I got my IV done this morning by my regular nurse. The drip worked quite well until I had about an hour to go when I noticed that my sweater sleeve was wet and the pump kept alarming that there was a kink in the line. I took off my sweater and saw that my arm was swollen. I started to freak, stopped the pump and called the agency. The evening nurse came, removed the IV and checked my arm. It's all good, the swelling is going down, and we'll reinsert the needle Friday. I'm sleepy all afternoon but I'll be fine. Jerry was too funny this afternoon. Both of us were on the phone making appointments, and Jerry ran from one to the other, carrying his toy and seemingly expecting that we were going out. He made sure that he guarded us so nobody could sneak off without him. He's assumed his position on the sofa, keeping an eye on me and a paw on Don, so if anyone moves, he'll leap into action!

I was browsing my cookbook collection today and daydreaming some meals. My appetite is still not as good as it should be, but at least I can vicariously enjoy meals. I was happily planning imaginary dinner parties with varying themes! I think my favourite was what I called my "Gourmet Caribbean meal" which comprised a pineapple rice, mango- barbecued chicken, stuffed plantain, callaloo soup, and . a passion-fruit torte. I think I'll have to do that when I have energy. Meanwhile, I'm "enjoying" Ensure Plus and hot tea! Not quite the same is it? I'd settle for the energy to cook meals that I could eat and enjoy without needing to nap every few minutes. As you can guess, food is occupying a lot of my imagination.

I'm dozing off while I write this. It's hard to keep my eyes open, and I've had to correct my text a few times to make sense of what I wrote, so it's time for me to sign off and get some sleep! Good night!


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