
Here is the little mooch trying to mooch part of breakfast this morning. He’s been jumping like a little springbok and scrabbling to chase his ball and generally being hyperactive this afternoon, wanting to play. I think that spring is getting to him, and I’m distressed that I can’t take him for a long walk. The main reason is my back and my lack of strength — I won’t talk about it too much, as I find it frustrating and I don’t want to become more of a bore about it — and the lesser reason is the second “protest” in Ottawa where I’m in the middle of a lockdown zone because of motorcyclists who don’t know what they want. Don said that he didn’t sleep particularly well last night, so he was napping today. Baseball is on now, though, so… 😆 I have a confession to make, and I may have to surrender my “I love food” card. Here it is… I don’t like a number of apparently luxury foods. I don’t like truffles, for instance. The smell, to ...