
I’ve been woken up by a little guard who has decided that sleeping curled up on my tummy is a choice.  I have tried to shift him, but it’s of no use.  I just get a look and he’s back.  Partly it’s that he feels chilly and he wants the extra body heat, which is really ok unless he’s parked on a full bladder… nuff said!  My back continues to flare pain on a far too regular basis for my comfort, and the medication is slow to treat.  It may be that I’m too impatient, but it does feel like it’s taking longer to get relief.  Fortunately, once I fall asleep (not always easy) I’m able to get some rest.  Don is well, and has a bit more energy, so I’m happy and relieved about that.

I’ll be starting a new therapy session on Monday.  It’s a trial for dealing with uncertainty for cancer patients; normally these types of arrangements include caregivers, but this doesn’t.  It will be a group session of 6.  I’m stretching my boundaries a bit; I don’t usually do group sessions, although I had helped arrange a group session at the office while I was still working.  I’m also not usually good at discussing feelings and emotional responses, so this will be a challenge for me.  After all these years, I’ve developed some techniques for handling uncertainty, but I’ve reached a point where I think that I need more support. This is me, learning to reach out for help and to accept it when it’s offered.  These groups will last for about 5 weeks, for 90 minutes, one day a week. So it’s not onerous.  I will, of course, continue to journal (blog) because I find it therapeutic, although I can’t promise to be routinely clever, witty, wise, or insightful.  I won’t try, either, because I find that if I try to be funny or clever, it just sounds forced and idiotic.

My niece informed me tonight that since I’m the adult, I set the example for the “impressionable youth” (i.e. her!!) so I am not allowed to be disparaging of homework.  Cheeky child!  This was because we were discussing university options (she’ll be ready to go to university next year!) and Don said that I should help her by researching programmes at some places that we hadn’t considered.  I said that I didn’t see why I should be assigned homework, and was told that I should look at it as an opportunity to learn new things.  Why did I teach her those techniques for reframing?  ðŸ˜‚ I’m just going to go to bed and rest so I get rid of this pain for a few hours.  Good night!


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