
 Good morning.  You get a (short) update this morning, as I was WAAAY too zonked last night to even think coherently, let alone write!  

I’m due at an appointment early this morning, so I made sure to be out of bed at the crack of dawn (dawn’s rosy fingers were just creeping over the horizon, in fact, when my alarm went off!) I’ve just had a boiled egg, toast and tea, participated in a TV Mass, petted the dog (who begged about half of my toast!) and decided to drop a short line.  The boys are asleep - I’ll wake up Don shortly - so it’s quiet.

I participated in the group session yesterday, and I’m not certain that it’s a fit for me.  It’s a small group — just 6 participants, plus the 2 therapists, done by Zoom, so it’s really intimate.  One participant had their video off, but was the most vocal.  The others tried to join in but were often overridden by the image less one.  Adding to my challenges was that between my energy and my meds, I was struggling to keep my eyes open long enough to follow along.  I know that I drifted off a couple of times and missed what people were saying — there was a partial discussion on how to communicate frustration to people who are not going through cancer, and the next coherent thought I remember was people offering condolences on the passing of someone’s relative!  So that was not great.  ðŸ˜³. I’ll give it at least one more session, where I hopefully will be more alert!

My meds have been temporarily altered… I’m back on steroids for a few days in hopes that it will reduce my pain (40% successfully) and that is doing some very very nasty things to my sugar levels.  I’m working with the endocrinologist and nurse to get them back under control, but it’s a slow process.  My sugars went from astronomical (22.3 mmol/L) to 3!!  The low end is a risk for coma.

I’ll update tonight after we’ve done all the needed stuff… enjoy your day!


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