
I had an early appointment this morning, so I went to bed extra early last night.  Sounds like a sensible idea, right?  My alarm was set for 6am, to allow me time to have breakfast before we left… I woke up with the alarm, blinked, and it was suddenly 7:45 and we had 15 minutes to leave the house!  Talk about an adrenaline rush!  We made it with 1 minute to spare, but I was hurrying to make it, and I was quite tired by the time we were done.  I’ll definitely have to work on my timing again!  Thankfully, I don’t have to rush tomorrow, as my personal services worker is due at 1pm, so I should be ok.  I’m tired again tonight, so I’ll be heading in shortly.  The boys are both stretched out on the sofa right now, and I can hear little snores coming from one of them.  We’ll all be nicely rested, I hope, by tomorrow.  I’ve got a few plans for this week, but I hope they don’t overwhelm me.

Is there a way that we can manage to remember that the people who are suffering from wars, famines, diseases and other such horrors are also human?  I’m overwhelmed by how many disasters are ongoing, and how much suffering there is, but when we reduce people to being “the other” and just consider them as a nuisance it dehumanizes them and reduces us.  I don’t know how to effectively balance the suffering with reality, but there must be a way.  I’m not suggesting that we beggar ourselves in trying to help, but we must have a mechanism for remembering that they are people who are in pain.  I hope that we can find a way to spread our kindnesses a bit more.

Good night, all.  I hope that you are surrounded by love and kindness and we find a way to heal the hurts in the world.  Sleep well.


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