
It was a windy, cool spring day, where the weather hinted at warmer days to come, but was not ready to demonstrate it fully.  I’m happy to see these drier days, as they mean that flowers will be appearing soon… but with Easter this weekend, I expect a few more days of rain before the explosion of colour that I know is coming.  Jerry went for the drive to the hospital for my appointment, but wasn’t able to get out and run around because the ground was still very wet and muddy so he was dancing on my lap when I got back into the car, and working off some of his energy that way…  Don had a bit of trouble with pain in his leg — partly weather related, we think, as his joints sometimes let him know when rain is due.

I’ve been watching a few of the court shows as daytime viewing.  I’m stunned at the cases that make it before the judges… I mean, they’re small claims cases, so the maximum award is about $5,000 and sometimes the litigants sue for a couple of hundred dollars.  Many of the cases relate to the sale of used cars, or rental issues, or dog bites.  Watching the people just makes me think that there’s a woeful lack of communication which would avoid most of these cases.  There is a link to reality in that many problems could be quickly resolved if we were willing to talk honestly and openly and not be trying to protect our egos when we should be listening.  

Eight years ago this week, I was undergoing my first round of radiation therapy.  That popped up as a reminder to me, and it’s led me to think about how much I’ve lived through.  I remember being nervous about the treatment, which was difficult for me — I couldn’t keep food down.  The therapy preceded a major surgery and I was quite nervous about that too.  I remember explaining to a therapist that I had too much time to think, but I’m sure that it wasn’t a real factor.  It’s certainly been a long road from there to here, and lots of ups and downs along the way.  Fingers crossed that the road ahead is even longer, and that we have many more adventures to experience!

That’s all for now.  Good night and sleep well! 


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