My back is still spasming tonight.  It’s annoying, but it could honestly be considerably worse than it is.  The more challenging thing is that my eyes are closing so it’s hard to stay awake… I’m obviously going to be heading to sleep pretty soon!  Jerry is in a little ball on the sofa, where he’s happily doing something that I can’t see very well, but probably getting into some form of mischief… as long as he’s leaving me alone it’s good.  Don is in the other room playing on his computer, leaving me in control of the remote while there is a hockey game on.   He’s a brave man, trusting that I won’t change the channel or “lose” his remote (we have 2, for just such an emergency.)

Oh my… I’m dozing off on myself.  I just had to delete several lines of my post because they were gobbledygook… I have no idea what they were saying, and it was preferable to erase them than to publish and eliminate any question as to whether I’m losing my sanity!  I think what I wanted to say was that even though I’m not a hockey fan, it’s not worth the aggravation to change the channel in the middle of a game.  Because apparently, hockey is more of a religious experience than a mere game.  One doesn’t, apparently, interrupt a religious ceremony, even though it looks like a game.  It’s a fight if I claim that “hockey is just a game” so because I like a peaceful life, I don’t say that out loud at home.  I have converted him to watch soccer and cricket, too, so his exposure is wider than it was!

That’s all for now.  I’m going to bed and cutlery up under my blankets….. Take care, and may you have a good rest.  Good night!


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