Spy day

It began raining just as we were leaving the house today, and hasn’t stopped yet.  Although it was a warm-ish day, it felt chilly with the breeze and the rain and so on.  Jerry stayed in the car, where he was out of the rain and he then curled up on my lap for the ride home, and he just plumped into my lap when we got home and took a nap for an hour.  He’s now on Don’s lap on the sofa and pretending to ignore me. Don has a free hand — the other controls the remote — and is nibbling on a bag of M&M’s.  It’s all good, and we’re sitting around, warming up.

I honestly didn’t know this, but today is apparently called “Spy Wednesday” because of Judas Iscariot and his betrayal of Jesus.  It’s one of those things that makes me ask a couple of minor questions.  For instance, who was in the conversation between Judas and the Sanhedrin who reported on the money transaction?  I don’t imagine that he took a witness with him when he went to ask, “What will you give me?”  It’s not practical to think that he’d advertise the betrayal, is it?  None of us, if we’re planning to break up the band would carry people with us.  Holy Week is that sort of time where we’re living through a period in minute detail.  The readings all week focus on Sunday and then Thursday night, so we step through the activities hour by hour.  Friday’s readings are about Friday’s activities.  Nothing about Tuesday and Wednesday really.  Thursday becomes the climax, really, then shifts again to Friday, where we relive Jesus’ death.  But I did wonder a bit about today’s reading, and who was there to report on Judas’ conversations. Unless, of course, it was filled in by St. John, who was admitted to watch Jesus’ trial on Thursday night because he was “known to the priests and the guards.”  One of them (I’m thinking of the sympathetic Pharisee) may have spoken about Judas’ visit allowing the gaps to be filled in.

Clearly I have a bit of extra time and nothing to fill it!  I’ll just quietly get a cookie, and go to bed.  Good night!


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