
Aren’t yellow flowers like little drops of sunshine, especially on a snowy April fool’s day?  It’s cool and damp, and if I had a fireplace, I’d have a blazing fire going on, mostly for show.  The boys are playing with a ball, where Don throws it and Jerry jumps to catch it, and throws it back to Don.  I get a lot of enjoyment watching them play… especially when Jerry pretends to be ignoring Don and tries to hide the ball.  We’ve just ordered fish and chips (Friday in Lent, after all 😆) and had a very filling supper.  (I had a fish taco, because I can’t manage a whole fish and chips dinner, so I opted for something smaller.) It was still very filling, and my dessert (a slice of decadent, rich chocolate cake) is hopefully going to survive until I can get to it.  Somebody already had his, so he should stay away from mine, but life has so few guarantees!!  I’m a little annoyed, because my back aches more when I’m tired, and I’d like it to cut that out!!!  I’ll head off to bed shortly, and catch up on my rest.

I’m worried about humanity… Why do people think that they need to be so angry ALL THE TIME?  Seriously… a random search of the internet shows “Angry Karen compilation” (with apologies to my friends named Karen who are not at all like them!) then there’s the AITA Reddit feed (more angry people) although I have to admit that there are some funny stories there.  Is there a way to keep people calmer?  Did we miss out on teaching our children how to manage their tempers?  Or how to walk away from needless conflict?  Why did we teach them that they MUST win at all costs?  Then there’s the unbelievable mindset that says that “I’m more important than anyone else, and you must bow before me!” (That leads to a lot of the Karen videos…) Is there a way that we can be calmer, kinder and more loving?  It’s sad that people go around exuding anger and leading to more frustration over time!  I’d love it if we were less inclined to fret, fume and steam about everything… 

I’m happy to share stories of the little monster and his mischievous antics, if it helps people to calm down and become happier.  I’m also happy to share signs of joys with others if that would help!  Just to add incentive, my assortment of kids are a sheer delight and would be great to keep you smiling.

I’d like to ask you all to keep my friend in your thoughts, please.  His mom passed away 2 years ago, at the start of the pandemic, and today remains difficult for him and his family.  Let’s keep them surrounded by love, even as it’s challenging to deal with the loss. I’m off to bed now, so sleep well all!


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