
I’m really sleepy this afternoon.  I thought that I’d slept well last night, but apparently I needed more sleep from around 2:30pm today.  I’m almost inclined to get one of those things that monitors your sleep, but I am not persuaded that it’s really useful to me.  My phone says that I’m at risk of falling, which is remarkable since it spends large swaths of the day on a table, and I go out without it, so it really can’t measure either how much or how steadily I walk.  Jerry is probably a better indicator of that!  Today the building did its monthly fire alarm test, and Jerry was very annoyed.  He doesn’t like the noise, and was extra affectionate while it was going on and for a good while after that.  Don has been sleeping a lot today; apparently he got bitten by a spider and that always makes him feel sick, weak and sleepy.  Hopefully he feels more lively tomorrow.  I’m continuing to be happy that my pain is minimal, and I’m slowly increasing my levels of activity, because I really don’t want the pain to return, and I like being able to do stuff.

I was talking to one of my friends today who mentioned that the gas company sent a notice increasing by just over $100 a month.  That led me to thinking again about costs and living.  There are many pieces on the news talking about inflation and how it’s affected people, followed by other pieces on the stock market.  I do own stocks, and I have some investments, so I can’t pretend that I’m disinterested or unaffected by fluctuations in the market.  But I am seriously concerned about how unaffordable life is becoming for average people.  Quite frankly, I think that it’s dreadful how expensive it is to have a basic existence — “market value” dictates that houses are often out of the reach of new homeowners, rent is high, and the availability of rental units is low.  Added to that are the costs of utilities — heat, electricity, water, telephone — which are often equivalent to a rent or mortgage payment.  Then food — which the news cheerily advises has increased by 15% over last year — and that sucks up huge portions of individual income.  Then add the costs of school (for children), medical, clothes, a car or transit pass…  That’s before setting aside savings, retirement planning, entertainment, vacations, etc.   No wonder so many people live paycheque to paycheque!

It’s really easy to sneer that people should get out and find work, that they should better manage their money, to blame them for being poor… but while some people may be indigent and lazy,  the vast majority of people work hard and do their best to care for themselves and their families.  In countries as rich as ours there really shouldn’t be any poverty, and everyone should be able to receive the same quality of healthcare (I’m a strong supporter of public care, and not private nor 2-tier systems.  I believe that the public system should be maintained at a high level so that everyone is cared for.). It’s disappointing that we allow certain commodities to be monetized, like drinking water and electricity.  It’s disgraceful that certain companies can “buy” the rights to access water and sell it back to the residents.  Sadly, it’s a story that plays out in indigenous communities and in depressed areas.  I also think that it’s sad that society relies so heavily on volunteers and charities to care for the vulnerable.  It would be such a good thing if we didn’t need homeless shelters, food banks and other such organizations.  

I know, I’m a hopeless dreamer.  It would be absolutely ideal if we could focus on work that was enjoyable and meaningful and not have to worry about earning enough money just to exist.  I realize that it’s unrealistic but that doesn’t stop me from dreaming about the possibility!  It’s one of the many things in which I have no power to effect a change, and I have to accept the status quo.  It’s a valuable object lesson to acknowledge the limits of my influence and power, because it’s a reminder that I am not God.  That’s also necessary to keep in mind when I get frustrated about things that don’t go my way!  

That’s all for tonight… I’m off to get some sleep, and I hope it’s not evasive tonight as I’ve been dozing off for a while now.  I’ve noticed that I can sleep in my armchair but I’m wide awake when I get into bed. Good night all!


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