

We’ve settled into a bit of a routine, where I take Jerry for a short walk in the morning and again in the late afternoon.  I’m trying to build up enough stamina to walk  to the dog park and stay for him to have a chance to play with other dogs.  I’m trying to stage the activity so I don’t exhaust or injure myself, because I don’t want to be confined indoors for long periods.  Don is still slowly improving — he’s tons better than on the weekend, but his appetite is still not as hearty as I’d like.  Jerry is pretending that he needs to go out again (we just got back about an hour ago!) and I’m ignoring  him.  He had a lovely time sniffing everything, barking at anything that moved and strutting around like a tiny boss.  I know that I talk more about him than Don, but it’s not because I’m ignoring Don… at least, not deliberately.  

I took a look at my “list o’projects” today to determine what will be done next.  I have a number of things that I want to do, and that I have all the materials to work with, and a vision of what I’d like to accomplish.  So I pulled everything out, looked it over, came to the conclusion that I really need to reorganize my cupboards and closets, plus I need a few wardrobe items  and I should really move some stuff to the donation bin and I need to do some filing… and after a while I got caught up watching videos online and had to put things back or else I wouldn’t have space to sleep.  Anyone else have this challenge?  Where you start off with good intentions to do stuff and actually accomplish nothing on your list but the day is done?  

I promised myself that I wouldn’t feel guilty about procrastinating, because guilt doesn’t serve any useful purpose.  I did give myself a stern lecture about unrealistic expectations and the frustration that arises from not completing projects, but that’s as far as it went.  My side table is again piled with things to do — including 4 books on my “to read” list that have been hanging around for a while! I reminded myself that too many things on my table just leads to feeling overwhelmed, and very little gets done, but it didn’t do much good.  I almost think that I need a project coordinator to assign me tasks so that I can cross completed items off my list!  As if my list wasn’t long enough now, I pulled out some cookbooks to seek out a couple of new recipes to try… one of them is an East African book, which is full of some unique and interesting dishes.  I confess that my first (and so far only) exposure to Ethiopian food was less than successful as every dish on the table (it was a community dinner hosted by an ambassador) was made with beef, which I can’t eat, so I was only able to have injera and a tossed salad… it was similar to my introduction to Turkish food at the home of a friend; they served dishes with beef, even the potatoes were roasted with the beef, so again, bread and salad.  Anyway, the book has a number of dishes that are either vegetarian or made with chicken or fish, so I think I’ll experiment.  

I’ll do my best to identify and start the next project on the list — I’ve got one that I started some years ago, and I really need to get back to it.  I had put it aside while I looked for something to include in it, and here we are, a few years later and it’s still not progressing.  I’ll just skip the thing I was looking for and get back to work.  But at the moment, I have my other job to do, so I’ll be massaging a puppy tummy!  Good night all.


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