
So Jerry is in the figurative doghouse this evening.  We were out this morning for his short walk, and he got very excited when he saw a small dog on the other side of the street, and both he and the little dog ran into the (fortunately empty) road… then he managed to wrap his leash around my legs so I almost fell.  Plus he’s been trying to get my attention by scratching my PICC line.  He just got yelled at and sent over to Don, who is continuing to improve slowly.  I’m resting because my back is having a moment because, I think, I might have done too much.

I’m proud to admit that I’ve finished one of my projects today!  It’s been quite a while sitting, waiting for me, but I was finally able to complete it this morning.  I’ll be able to pack it up to mail it to the recipient!  Woo!  I will be working on the next one starting this week, with the aim of completing it so it can be a Christmas present this year.  The other projects will be handled in due time, with no definite plans as to when they’ll be done.  

I had a conversation with my niece yesterday.  She was being pulled in different directions, in part between choosing something she wanted versus something someone else wanted.  I advised her that she should choose the thing that was right for her, because she was the only person who knew what that would be, and she’s the only one who has to live with the consequences of her choice.  She was concerned about disappointing others, and I had to explain that she couldn’t spend her life trying to please people.  It’s important, I said, that you be kind and thoughtful and that you don’t do anything to deliberately hurt people, but you make choices that are best for you.  It’s something that we’ll obviously have to revisit, but I hope that she will be able to find her way to making decisions that benefit her.

I’m being pawed and nagged to pardon the little dictator.  I’ll have to go forgive him before he knocks the iPad off my lap or damages it… so good night!


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