
Remind me not to brag about getting lots of sleep 😴 because last night I lay awake until after 3am!!  AND my sugar did a nose dive again.  It was on the low normal side before bedtime, but then around midnight I was wondering why I didn’t feel sleepy, but I felt the annoying yet familiar signs of low sugar, so I checked, and sure enough!  Low.  I had opted against taking a sleeping pill last night (I think that was an error) because I wanted to try sleeping without any chemical assistance, and I’m rather sorry I didn’t.  Then I did a few things around here because Don is again not feeling good, and I had some energy (obviously adrenaline) and now everything aches, my back is spasming and my hands and legs have tremors.  I’m having some tea and being butted by a small dog to relax; I’ll go find something to eat before I go to bed as a precaution.  Jerry was a bit hyperactive today; my helper was here, and because it was hot and muggy, Don kept Jerry with him in the living room (usually they go in the other room) and Jerry was witness to a strange person in his house!  Taking his laundry basket out!  Doing stuff in his bathroom!  He managed to wriggle away and went over to her to express his  displeasure at this invasion of his space, and demand some cuddles and attention, which he got, then he came back to me to tell me all his adventures.  Don’s dozing off and on, and feeling unwell.

I’m feeling a bit crabby because of a lack of sleep and my sugar wanting to dance the limbo.  I was a little cheered up by the bowl of cherry tomatoes that I was able to harvest from our balcony garden today; aren’t they pretty?  They also taste great… just-picked fruits and vegetables are really the best, but it’s a challenge growing enough of a variety when you don’t have a backyard.  Even Don is limited with a balcony as his growing space (plus the vegetables that I like need space.)  Again, I’m not the actual gardener in this case, I just wander around, picking ripe tomatoes and crowing over the harvest!  (And turning them into salads or whatever I happen to be cooking)  

I’m going to turn in now.  Hopefully I can sleep better.  Good night!


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