
It’s pouring rain now, and I got somewhat wet.  We had some drama today… I had an appointment with my oncologist this afternoon (more later) and Don and I headed down to the car to drive over.  Well, the car started, then it suddenly cut off and refused to start again.  The lights, radio and windows all worked, but it just wouldn’t start.  So I made a panicked call to a friend who didn’t answer and then I called a cab, mentally preparing myself for an expensive ride… just as I got into the cab (having left my boys in the garage) my phone rang, and my dear sister-friend (and sometime kidnapper) said that she’d come get me.  She did, we went to my appointment, then had a coffee before she returned me home.  Thank God for sorting this out so smoothly!  The boys were back upstairs waiting for me, and he’ll sort out the car in the morning.  From this you’ll appreciate how he’s doing, and the little boy is snuggled up to him, and is ignoring me!

My appointment went well, thankfully.  We’re going to monitor things, and scan again in 3 months.  I’m now about to start planning a few things — a trip home in January (because it’s warm there and brutally cold here, so best time); a visit to my sister to see the children and a party to celebrate surviving 10 years since my diagnosis! That date is in November, and details will be forthcoming.  There are other planned trips, but those will be later in the year, God willing!  I’ll be busy with planning for a while, and mounting excitement while I think about going home to see my family and friends after over 3 years apart!! I'm also eager to see whether my niece and nephew are more inclined to interact with me than they were at Christmas, after having physically met me and had a few conversations via video.  So — I’m hoping that people’s behaviour improves so that there aren’t more and worse waves of covid, although I’m not overly optimistic given the selfishness that I’ve seen on display.  

I’m very thankful and happy that we’re able to delay treatment for a while.  I’m even more thankful that we’ll be celebrating 10 years survival in 2 months’ time.  I hope that we’re able to celebrate 20 years, or more — I might as well start by expecting big, good things, right?  I’m going to thank all of the people who have been praying for my health and recovery, because I honestly believe that they have been a part of this.  For those who aren’t inclined to prayer, I thank you for your positive thoughts and encouragement, which I also think have been helpful.  And yes, despite having postgraduate degrees and training in science, I do believe in God.  I hope that I don’t force my beliefs onto others, but at the same time, I’m willing to discuss them respectfully and openly.  

OK, I’m being reminded that I have neglected a little puppy today and left him behind when I went out, so it’s time for penance… Good night all, I hope that you have pleasant dreams.


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