
I was a little lazy last night, which is why no post.  Plus I was put to work (as you can see) as a tummy masseuse for a sleepy little dictator.  It was a very rainy day yesterday, almost enough to need sweaters, but definitely right for a cup of hot chocolate.  Today is also damp and cool, which is nice.  Don says that he feels a little better today and we’ve been catching up on recorded shows.  I’m temporarily reprieved, as the little monster is guarding Don after he’d spent about an hour on my lap.

I’ve finally started on my projects yesterday.  Apparently cooler weather helps motivate activity in that area!  The current plan therefore is to finish one and get started on the other… the first is almost done, and the second will definitely need some time!  I’ll keep you updated on my progress.  

I’ve been working with my niece on “growing up” things.  As I mentioned, I’ve been looking into university applications with her, and steps like her getting her driver’s licence.  It’s an experience that I’m enjoying and at the same time I’m nervous about providing her with advice.  I mean, I haven’t always made the best choices in my life, and I can try to help her avoid some of the bigger pitfalls, but our experiences are separated by over 30 years, so I’m not sure how relevant I am.  We talked a bit today about the fun of the new school year.  I always liked the beginning of school because of the new books (which I would generally have read before the end of the holidays) and I enjoyed the fresh notebooks, and the excitement of planning a new year’s activities.  I never managed to keep all my good intentions of getting my assignments handed in early, but at least they weren’t late!  I’ve advised my niece that staying ahead of her assignments will give her time to enjoy other aspects of school life, and eventually university.  We’ve got a year in which to apply for a place, and I hope that she profits from her last year of high school.  The impact of the pandemic has affected her school life, as they’ve missed years of in-person interaction and while the telecommuting aspect was useful, there’s a lot of time that’s been missed.

I know that people have talked about “cancelling” the last 2 years, but while we can pretend to have skipped them, in reality we’ve lived through them.  The funny thing is that there are many of us (myself included) who have thought that it would be nice to take a sabbatical and enjoy uninterrupted time with our families.  We had 2 years of that, but judging from many articles, those years had quite a lot of complaints so perhaps we didn’t profit as much as we could have.  For myself, I would have liked to be able to split myself so that I could be simultaneously here and in Trinidad so I could maximize my family time.  Ah, the reality of life — it’s not perfect and we can’t just hit “reset” and fix our errors!

OK, I’m going back to work on my project while I’m not being nagged into my puppy-massage duties!  I wish my sister-friend and my cousin beautiful birthdays today, and hope that they’ve been well and truly spoiled by family and friends, and I look forward to celebrating with them in due course.  Good night!


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