
 It was another very hot and humid morning, but the afternoon was filled with some lovely torrential downpours and thunderstorms (lovely for me, as there was no damage; I hope it was the same for the rest of the city!). We sat out on the balcony to enjoy the rain until the wind changed direction and started blowing towards us, so we retreated back inside to stay dry.  It’s cooling down a bit, and should be comfortable overnight and tomorrow.  Jerry is dozing next to me and occasionally sitting up to survey the room, especially if there’s a flash of lightning.  

OK, I’m looking for a little motivation to complete some of my projects.  They’re sitting on my side table and staring at me, so I feel a little guilty about not tackling them.  I could just pack them away, but that just delays the inevitable.  I know that in order to make a start, I just need to make a start… but I’m somewhat lazy.  They’re all personal projects, which actually doesn’t redeem my procrastination.  Instead, thought, I’m having assorted rambling thoughts — like have you ever noticed that some thing just appear in groups?  I was suddenly inundated with memes and messages saying “Money isn’t everything,” or “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be,” and other such things.  I don’t know why there seems to be a drive to have me think about money, but if anyone has the winning lottery numbers, please feel free to share them with me before the drawing!  I’d love to find out if money will really change me…

I’m closing off early again, because I’m hoping to get a decent night’s sleep.  Last night was hot and I woke up several times, so I’m a little dozy this evening.  Jerry is curled up on Don’s shoulder, and I’ll take advantage of this to slip off and get into bed.  Good night! 


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