
I SLEPT last night.  I mean, I did wake up a few times during the night, but never for long, and I finally was able to get out of bed after 10am today.  Obviously my scan results must have been weighing more on my mind than I realized!  I definitely slept more than I had for a while.  I had enough energy to take Jerry out for a walk, and today we made it over to his dog park for the first time in a long while, because I haven’t had the stamina to walk that far.  I needed to sit and recover for a few minutes, but I’m very pleased that I was able to do that.  The weather cooperated, too, as it was a lovely day, with a cooling breeze, so it was pleasant to walk there, watch Jerry run around with his buddy (I ran into them as they were leaving, and they went back to sit with me for a bit.)  So nice to run into people who I haven’t seen in a while.  Don was better today than yesterday, but still not back to himself.  I’m happy that he’s improved, and it would be excellent if it stayed!  Depending on how he feels we may have fun plans on Saturday, so fingers crossed!  There’s supposed to be a spectacular aurora borealis tonight, and I’m hoping that the sky stays clear and it’s as prophesied.  Over the years, every time there was a report of northern lights sighting around here there’s been a cloud cover… I may be fated only to see them in photos!

I was talking to someone about a book that we’d both read.  Everything was going well — we exchanged our views on the book, discussed the meanings that we’d taken from reading, commented on the author and their writing — all those lovely positives, when the conversation took an unpleasant turn.  I’d mentioned that I had borrowed my copy from the library, and I planned to borrow it again in a few months to see if I had the same reaction, and if I did, I’d buy my own copy.  (I’ll explain my logic later.)  Then she said… <sigh> “Yes, so you can make your own highlights and notes in it.”  The horror!  Highlighting the text???  Take notes IN the book?  What monster does that?  Deface a book?  Do you also dog-ear the pages to mark your place instead of doing what normal people do and use a receipt/credit card/business card/paper clip?  (Yes, I often have to hunt for my credit card in the last book I read.  It got bad the day that I used Don’s health card, and, well, let’s just leave that discreetly aside!)  I immediately decided that she would never borrow any book from me!  

I don’t like lending out books, I must confess.  Far too often my little precious reading gems never make it back home.  I learned my lesson painfully when I lent out several books of myths and legends to 2 “friends” to amuse their kids, and the books vanished.  Worse, I once lent out a cookbook to someone at work who was living on their own for the first time and wanted help learning how to cook.  I’ve been left to assume that my book has been a vital aid in their continued survival!  You know how I feel about my collection of cookbooks, so as a result, nobody will ever get to borrow any of them.  I do, though, occasionally donate books to my friend’s Little Free Library which is one way of making room for new books.  Happily, our laundry room often has some books in need of a home, and I’ve adopted a few.  The majority are some sappy romances (not my thing) or business books or old magazines, but every now and then a gem appears.  Oh… the reason for the delay in buying… I’ve currently got 4 bookcases that are 2mx1m that are all packed (books are stacked horizontally) and I’ve been warned that any more bookcases will have dire results.  I don’t want to have to toss Don or Jerry out, so I’m limiting my intake of books ☺️  

I’m being attacked by a tiny dog who’s wandering around looking for some trouble to get into.  I’ll have to go and start my full time position as tummy masseuse.  Good night!


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