
I had a remarkably lazy day today.  I’m happy to report that I had no pain and my time as a dog bed was the busiest part of the day.  While I have days when I do little, that’s usually due to pain so today I caught up on some shows that we’d recorded on the PVR and just enjoyed that.  Hockey has started (I would have thought that summer would bring an end to a game played on ice, but I’d have wasted a thought!) the boys are “watching” the game — one is surveying me with his cute little boot button eyes, and the other is glued to the screen.  Guess which is who?  ðŸ˜† 

I feel a little guilty at having spent this very hot day doing little.  I’ve got a stack of things to complete on my side table, and I should be focussed on clearing these up, and not watching TV.  I can do some of them while watching a show unless I really want to solve the murder before the on-screen detective.  But I did think a few times that I needed to be “productive” and should do my self-imposed tasks.  No need to worry, though, my guilt was a passing feeling as I do allow myself a chance to be kind to myself.

Besides that, I was having a few moments of processing some bizarre things… for instance, I was checking out a university’s application process for my niece, and saw that the university required that all applications be submitted online — which is what I’d expect given current trends.  This university, though, requires that the online application be completed in TRIPLICATE!!! That’s shocking, disgraceful and an embarrassment to them!  Then, in dealing with a bank, they asked that I complete and return by email a receipt, which means that I’d need to print it, sign it, scan and email it… which means having to find printer ink and paper.  When they were asked about doing an e-signature, they seemed confused.  It’s surprising that an institution that claims to have the most advanced technology doesn’t make use of it to accomplish their tasks.  

It’s amazing how much technology has integrated itself into our lives and how we use it without thinking too much about it.  I was watching some old (1980s) detective shows, and it’s a little jarring to realize that the police don’t have cell phones; in fact, they barely have computers or fax machines (something else that the bank suggested that I do — who still uses a fax?  That’s rhetorical, as I know my doctor, pharmacy and nursing agencies all use them)  It’s good that we are able to benefit from these advances, isn’t it?

OK, the dictator has decided that I’ve been typing long enough.  I’ll leave you with a wish for a good, restful night and a happy tomorrow.  Good night!


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