
This morning was cold! I don’t need a reminder that Fall is coming, and mornings with a frost warning aren’t exactly my favourites. Jerry seems to like the cooler weather — he gets very frisky and is more likely to pull me (naughty puppy) He had a nice time barking at everything and generally getting into mischief. Don is also doing well, although he is, like me, not a fan of colder weather. I’m heading to my sister tomorrow; we’d planned this a while ago for me to spend Thanksgiving with them. I’m eager to see my sister and her family — the kids have been a little more chatty on video calls, so maybe they will be more inclined to talk to me in person. I can only be optimistic, right? I’m hoping that they have memories of me being there at Christmas so they won’t start off being upset at a new person in the house. It’s a bit of a challenge, having family spread around the globe. You can’t be everywhere at once, and when I go to my sister’...