
This was me being woken up this morning…note the loving little dog all snuggled up?  He then turned into a bouncing jackrabbit and used my tummy as a trampoline!  I’m temporarily free from being used as a dog bed, while Jerry is perched on Don’s shoulder surveying the living room area.  They’re both good, comfortable and happy, and Don just finished having some sweet-and-sour pork that I made for supper, while Jerry is sulking that he didn’t get any of it.  It was windy and cold this evening when we went for our walk, and Jerry demonstrated that he has very powerful lungs, and managed to outplay a 3-month old Bernese puppy which is almost double his size and treble his weight!  For myself, I was generally ok, except that my back started to act up this evening, and I needed to take extra pain meds.  Most distressing.

I was excited to get an email today inviting me to participate in the Cancer Society’s grant application review process for this year.  This time it’s focussed on providing a more accessible and inclusive experience for cancer patients, and will be a video conference for the better part of a day in mid-November.  I immediately replied and confirmed my attendance and got back a reply; I’m pleased about this as I’d participated last year and was very impressed with the work being done.  It’s so encouraging to know that so much work goes into treating and finding a cure for cancer (and, incidentally, so many other horrible diseases) and I’m happy that I can do something to contribute to helping other patients cope.  It’s such a dreadful experience, but it’s manageable with the right support both medical and social.

It’s been a decade, almost, for me dealing with this disease.  I have gone through so many unpleasant things because of it, but I’ve also been fortunate to have the supports that I do.  I’m therefore happy to find a way to give back and help others deal with their struggles.

I’m off to bed now, because I’m drifting off between my typing.  Good night all.


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