
So today was a little less than great.  When I took the little dictator out for his morning stroll, he was very excited to meet a puppy of a large breed — he was about 4 times Jerry’s size — and the two of them were leaping around tangling their leashes.  In the middle of their excitement Jerry tangled himself around my legs and the other dog jumped on me simultaneously and I went over like a bowling pin… Thankfully she helped me back up and stopped traffic before the oncoming car ran over me.  I limped across the street, waited for Jerry and then limped back home.  I slept for several hours this afternoon and I feel better.  Don is more active this afternoon, although he complained that he had trouble sleeping last night.  Jerry has been doing his imitation of a jackrabbit on speed, bouncing off of the chairs and coffee table, so he’s in good spirits.  Our evening walk was shorter because my leg was aching… I told Don that we both can’t be limping and walking like elderly people, so we’re resting tonight.

I’m saddened by the rise in fascism and racism in far too many political leaders.  It’s really distressing, not only that they exist, but that so many people are willing to listen to and support them.  I thought initially that it was an aberration and that the adherents would fall away quickly.  Tragically, though, they seemed to mushroom and exude more and more hatred.  I honestly don’t understand the anger that is blazing through so many sectors of society.  I do appreciate that there are a lot of stressful and difficult things happening, but I don’t get the reason for blaming an entire group of people for it!  The idea, for instance, of attacking Asians for “causing” covid is just utterly disgusting.  Or blaming immigrants for crime, and skewing behaviours to increase suspicion of particular groups. For myself, it’s completely incomprehensible to hate an entire group of people based on someone’s talk.  If I dislike someone it’s because I’ve taken the time to know them and to realize that they are horrible people.  

Under the heading of idiocy are those who have decided to object to casting people of colour in fantasy/science fiction movies.  I was beyond revolted when I read the negative reviews of several shows because they have multiracial casts.  While earlier movies had white actors playing all sorts of characters — Asians, others in blackface, etc — there is literally no reason for that to be happening any longer.  Add to that, having problems with fictional and fantastical creatures being played by people of colour is just ridiculous.  I’ve skimmed some of the reviews, and they say that mermaids aren’t black, that elves can’t be black, that women can’t be spaceship captains, and other such blather.  All of those are imaginary (spaceships of that type don’t exist) so it’s senseless to imagine that they’re only white.

I know that nobody who reads this blog belongs to the category of people who support racism, so I’m preaching to a choir (which I’ve actually experienced, and I’ve always wondered why they’d do that.  I’ve actually been at services where the pastor complained about the low attendance to the people who were in attendance… not going to effect any change like that!)  But I’d like to encourage you to do your best to stop the spread of hatred, and not to listen to or follow people who espouse those beliefs.  I’m a little extreme in my reactions because if someone once supports a racist / hate filled opinion, every other statement they make is IMO suspect.  I’m not asking you to do the same, but to be aware of what’s being said and to stop attempts to promote hate.

I’m off to bed now; I’m being told that the little dog wants to sleep 😂 


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