
It was a lovely day today; although it was forecast to be hot, it wasn’t (to me, anyway) muggy or uncomfortable.  It was the kind of day that I would go on long walks when I was more able to do those things.  Jerry was happy to stand outside on a patch of grass and people watch for a while, he was just missing a pair of mirrored sunglasses to be a guy on the prowl 😂 Don is also feeling more like himself; enough that he’s made some plans for things for us to do.  Just imagine me doing happy dances, because that is a relief.  My extra support hours kicked in today, and the worker arrived and did laundry.  It’s amazing how just that little thing made a big difference!  I started the load, and he took things out of the dryer and folded everything, put away the sheets and linens into the closet (I can’t reach the upper shelves anymore since last year’s surgery)  It took him about 15 minutes in all, but it saved me enough energy that I was not a complete wreck when I took Jerry out this evening.  I am very happy with that, because it gave my back a pause, and I’m not in agony!  

Is it a bad thing on my part to tell Don that he should leave his portion of dessert for me and that he wouldn’t like it because it’s a hyper-addictive double chocolate fudge cake and I am thinking that I don’t want to share… I can replace it with something higher in fibre, or more vegetables, perhaps?  I was pleasantly surprised to find that the Royal Oak has a very decadent 5-layer chocolate cake on its dessert menu, and I bought 2 slices for us.  Somehow I got to mine first, and Don asked my opinion of it… Do I share, so he can also enjoy the chocolate goodness, or could I be selfish and keep it to myself?  Decisions, fake decisions…

Along that line, I also had to solicit opinions on whether I should buy a 2-volume set of a graphic novel adaptation of a book that I really like.  The first volume is currently available, but the second is due to be published in November.  I know the story, I like it, but I’m wondering whether it’s a waste of money to buy books — and when I put it like that, my dilemma is solved!  I just paused in my writing to place the order, and it will be here tomorrow.  Possibly Sunday, depending on when it ships.

Haven’t we become lazy?  We order something online and then grumble when it takes more than 2 days to arrive!  I like going into a store and browsing books — I love going into libraries and browsing books, and then coming out with a dozen reads for free.  In a store, I need to be more selective because it becomes expensive really quickly.  I haven’t bought many new books in recent years, but I have been a more regular library patron, especially of ebooks.  I haven’t yet managed to be able to walk the distance to the library and back.  As far as my walking is concerned, my therapist had instilled a rule that I could walk as far as I’d like, as long as I remembered that I also have to walk back, so I’ve been learning to identify that mid-point.  I have managed to extend the mid-point by quite a bit over the past few weeks, but so far the best I can do would be to walk about one-third of the way to the library before I need to return.  My old manager had once pointed out to me that I could always take a taxi for the return journey, since that was their job, but I haven’t overcome the feeling that it’s grossly lazy of me to take a cab for a journey less than about 20 - 25 blocks.  Going too far leads to back pain and that’s not what we want.

That’s all for today; I’m returning to my current book which is starting to get fascinating.  It purports to be based on reality, but I’m doubting that… but it’s so far a fun read.  As you’ve probably guessed, I left Don’s slice for him to enjoy because it wouldn’t be fair to deprive him of it.  He’s just giggling at me when I threaten to take it away, so clearly I’m not effective at threatening!  I wish everyone a peaceful and comfortable night and pleasant dreams.  Good night!


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