Hump day

Today was nice.  I had enough energy this morning to take Jerry to the dog park, where he met 2 other small dogs his size, although they were just over a year old.  The three of them had a lovely time running around and chasing each other, so when we got home, he drank a lot of water, jumped on the sofa and went to sleep for a couple of hours.  Isn’t that just lovely?  This evening, we met 2 of his older dog buddies.  They saw each other a block apart and dragged us to meet up, where they had a marvellous time playing together.  He’s now dozing on Don’s lap tired out from his encounter with the dogs.  Don had another decent day today, so I’m happy.  We won’t discuss my back and what it’s doing to me.  Honestly, though, it’s not as bad as it used to be, I really don’t need as much pain medication either; on some days I need a couple of pills, but for the most part I just need to sit.

Like most people, I’ve been being super careful about managing my risk of exposure to Covid for the last couple of years.  This week, I’ve heard from no fewer than 8 friends who have contracted it.  We all feel awful — they physically, me emotionally— because it means that we can’t get together until they’re testing negative and are fine.  For myself, if anyone has anything at all, I avoid them until they’re in the clear because I really don’t want to get sick with anything.  Call me paranoid, but I think that I spend enough time around hospitals as it is.  As awesome as my doctors are, I have this crazy belief that they shouldn’t comprise more than about 10% of my social life!  Unless, of course, it’s a mega celebration and they’re attending.  More on celebrations at another time.

Am I the only person who isn’t excited by ads showing gigantic hamburgers or massive slabs of meat on a plate?  Leaving aside the fact that I can’t eat beef, when I see photos of triple-decker hamburger patties, topped by fried eggs, onion rings, and loads of other deep fried items, I lose my appetite.  Similarly when fast food places show a rack of ribs falling off a plate… I have no interest in them, and I’d be unlikely to visit those places. Those overloaded burgers have the effect on my eating that vegan activists want to achieve, by making me want to skip meat.  Sadly, I’m a contrarian and quite immature, because when there is a person who is proselytizing a vegan lifestyle, my usual reaction is to order a half chicken and rib barbecue meal.  When RibFest rolls around, I usually order the “Vegetarian Killer” meal, which is about 4lbs of meat, in front of the PETA protesters.  It is a childish reaction, I know, but when people are actively trying to interfere with my enjoyment of life, I am not usually mature in my responses.  Why, I ask, is it necessary to insult the food to try to gain converts?  I get it that you want to “encourage an ethical lifestyle” or whatever, but going on about how cheese is spoiled milk and how it’s loaded with bacteria (while you chug your kefir) isn’t required! Can’t we just agree to let people enjoy their lives without hammering them over the head with different views?  Education is all well and good, but not at mealtime. Ditto for those persons who think that I need to be lectured on my intake of sugar, bread, carbs, or whatever.  

I’m a little crabby (as you might guess) because someone sent me an unsolicited message telling me that I should switch to a vegetarian diet to “cure” my cancer, and they were aggressive in their reply to my statement that I was going to trust my medical team and not random internet contacts.  They said several nasty things about my medical team and insulted my intelligence for not instantly firing the people who’ve been caring for me for the last 10 years and following their “advice.”  Why do people do that?  I didn’t ask for advice, so what makes you think that I wanted your input?  ðŸ¤¬  

Shaking it off… I’ll be cheerful again tomorrow; possibly later tonight when I’m getting my puppy cuddles when we go to bed.  The little monster and Don are both snoring on the sofa, so I may be able to make it to the bedroom before I lose my side!  ðŸ˜‚ Good night, and may you enjoy your meals!


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