
I got my booster today.  This is the Moderna bi-valent (specially designed to counteract the omicron variant.). I joked that I’m also all ready for the 5G implant, being magnetized, and all the other nonsense that’s been spread about this vaccine.  Don is due for his tomorrow, as we thought it best to spread them a little.  I don’t expect any adverse reactions as I had none to my other 4 shots, and in fact, I felt nothing as the needle went in.  Jerry got really short walks because of the rain and his house was invaded by my support worker, then we left for me to get my jab, so he’s sulking at not having met any of his dog buddies today.  I found it a challenge to wake up this morning — when I’m warm and cozy I have no real urge to crawl out from under the blanket and the dog to get out in the cold.

Thanks to J & H, who, in addition to sending me some lovely flower pictures, pointed out that the reason I was in the dumps yesterday was probably because my sugar was doing the limbo.  True enough, when my readings are off, I’m usually out of sorts also.  And thanks to my cousins T & T who decided to jump start my Christmas season by sending me some carols.  I’m almost embarrassed to admit that I have a large CD library of Christmas music, in addition to Spotify’s offerings.  I think part of that was due to my search for some songs that we used to play repeatedly as children on the record player.  I’ve searched to find those recordings again in a vain attempt to recapture some of my childhood Christmas spirit.  And I was told by my dear friend T (today’s message brought to you by that letter, obviously 😜) that I apparently eat my pastels wrong, because “normal” Trinis don’t eat them with bread.  I’ll just say that my cocoa-pañol ancestry taught that there shall be bread with the pastels, and therefore that’s how it is! 🤪. I also had a quick chat with my “kidnapper” and noted that it’s been a while since I was last “abducted” so there’s an upcoming stealth operation… I don’t know where to, or when, except that it’s suggested for Thursday depending on the weather and how my “kidnapper” feels — she’s had a few off days lately, so if she’s recovered, we’ll go.

I admit to being a little spoilt.  Among the duties of my support worker, she often gives me a shower.  I’ve overcome my residual shyness of sitting naked in front of a total stranger and just relax as she washes my back and head (I’d say “wash my hair,” but there’s not enough of it to justify the title!)  and does a mini-pedicure.  It’s really indulgent to get a head massage and a back rub while sitting under the shower.  Some of my friends were suggesting a visit to a spa to include time in a hot tub… sadly, I’m restricted from those as they’re filled with questionable bacteria that can cause all sorts of infections for those of us whose immune systems are overwhelmed with the other challenges we’re facing.  In lieu of soaking in a hot tub, I get individual showers… and the workers have all exclaimed at the many scars on my body.  My goddaughter suggested that I tattoo over one or more of the scars, and I’ve agreed to a henna tattoo — a temporary artwork, as opposed to needles and ink.  I actually like the idea of a transitory decoration, as I really have never been a fan of tattooing permanently.  What if I get tired of the design?  Either I have to have it removed and start over, or else adjust it… either way, it’s expensive, and I’ve got better uses for my money, and I’m not a fan of pain.  

People who choose to adorn themselves with tattoos for whatever reason are fully entitled to do so as long as I’m not expected to pay for their body art.  Some are interesting, but it is really not something that appeals to me.  Henna tattoos are my preference because they will fade over time, and if I want another, I can modify them.  I know, I’m not adventurous, and I’m boring and all those things… but I have never been a lover of tattoos.  I’m not judging anyone on their choices for body art — I will have opinions, some of which might be unflattering, but again, once I’m not expected to cover the cost of the piercings/tattoos feel free and happy to do what you like.  I admit that my views were changed by my godchildren, who got me involved in choosing their tattoos, so I’m complicit in their body adornments.

I’m drooping and dozing off now, so I’m going to just cuddle the dog and go to bed.  So I’ll say good night while I think about who will do the henna tattoo that I have selected — if for no other reason than to disguise the scars a little.  Good night!


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