
It’s the first full day of autumn, and it certainly feels like it!  I had to break out the “summer weight” down coat to take the tiny monster out today, which held up until the rain came down and we had to make a mad dash back home.  (We won’t discuss my leg, OK?) I’m generally doing well, with a few minor hiccups, usually related to having to jog or being pulled along behind Jerry who is in a perpetual rush to get out (or greet a dog).  He’s always apologetic if I tell him off for dragging me, but he does it again… very toddler-like in that action!  Don’s back to himself, and we spent some time today catching up on our shows.  I’ve also booked our boosters for next week, on different days as a precaution against anyone having a reaction.  We spent time today hunting for family doctors, and I am seriously discouraged at how hard it is to find a doctor!!  It continues to be fruitless, and I’m very frustrated, as walk-in clinics and virtual doctors don’t allow for renewals of controlled drugs, which he needs.  I’ll keep searching…

I’ve realized that I don’t remember what it was like going to work… the idea of leaving daily and going into an office, where I carried out various duties, and all the interactions is like a dream to me now!  I was emailing a couple of friends with whom I’m trying to arrange meet-ups (as opposed to meetings, which seem far more serious and formal) and they were manoeuvring around work demands.  It gave me a little shock, as I really haven’t considered the implications of office commitments!  I still miss the interactions, because I’m a social creature at heart, and being able to talk to different individuals stimulates my mind.  In some ways, I do miss some of the work, mainly the analytical and planning aspects of my assorted jobs, but not the insanity of short deadlines, the egos and the many dramatic moments that pop up.  (I came across an old email that I’d sent to my sister, asking for her opinion of part of a document that I’d been asked to review. It was a distressingly convoluted and poorly written piece that was intended for publication, and I’d asked her to give her interpretation of it.  We both agreed that it was a disgrace and the author should return to kindergarten to learn basic rules of grammar.)  Apart from the amusement those incidents caused, I don’t miss that at all.  

The closest that I come to “work” is my blog, only because I’ve set myself the deadline of writing daily.  At this point, I rely on it as a means of therapy as much as a record of what’s going on, because I can use it to deal with some of my emotions; and I find it helpful to be able to work them out.  I’ve made a commitment that I’ll be honest in this, and I don’t filter most things — a few things I do, mostly when I can’t find a way to cope or I can’t express what I’m thinking — so you often will get a very raw view of my thinking.  I know that I am under no obligation to shield my thoughts, nor to tell everything, and as ever, if anyone doesn’t want me to include them in the regular updates I won’t be offended!  

I’m anticipating being able to see some of my former work colleagues soon, so we can do some in person time together.  The pandemic has been dreadful for separating relationships, and I really hope that there will be a chance for us to begin safely meeting up again.  Sadly, the numbers of infections continue to increase and evidence shows that the disease hasn’t gone away.  Far too many of my friends have managed to contract it in the last couple of months as the restrictions were eased.  I continue to wear a mask in public (including in my building’s elevator and common areas) and I still follow as many of the other rules for separation as I can.  

I’m enjoying a few minutes of not being a dog bed, but I’m going to head in to sleep soon.  I hope that you have a good rest, and pleasant dreams.  Good night!


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