Family time

I gathered enough energy today to bake pound cake, which used up a large chunk of the eggs (8/12). I’m surprised that the recipe yielded 3 loaves, as it had said that it would produce 2… I don’t know how I did it, but there you go.  Three lovely cakes, carelessly powdered lightly with confectioner’s sugar.  The little monster surprised me today.  We went out for our walks today, and he was wound up and hyper when we were leaving the apartment, but he only barked at one woman who he dislikes and was content to explore quietly at the extent of his leash.  This afternoon he encountered an adorable, tiny fluff ball of 4 months, sniffed at her and then went back to quietly exploring.  I had to check that I had the right dog!  Don was a little more active today; it seems that the pain is somewhat less, although not gone.  My back… well, let’s just say that I’m fully aware that I have one, and I can feel every movement.  It was rather pathetic today - I bent down to take my loaf tins from the drawer in the stove, and lined them with parchment paper then I had to sit because I was in a lot of pain again.  My prep was a little slower than expected because I had to keep resting.  So annoying!  

I spent some time this afternoon on video chat with my niece as we discussed her first day of her last year in school, and made some plans for “what next.”  We were browsing university course listings and comparing eligibility requirements against her exams.  The university asks that each student identify up to 4 programs of study when applying, and we were working through to see if we could find 4 that were of interest — we’re now working to narrow down the listing!  As we worked through the various faculties and programs, we went from 1 to about 9 that were of interest.  I’m almost envious… the offerings are so much more varied than when I’d applied (although, honestly, I was so entrenched in Chemistry that I don’t think that I even looked at the other faculties until I didn’t get accepted into one of my chosen courses at the start of the semester and I registered to do philosophy — which raised several eyebrows of my science faculty!)   I’m almost willing to apply to do another degree next year to keep her company and commiserate over coursework and deadlines!  Don’t worry; I’ll overcome the temptation by reminding myself of coursework and deadlines 😂 Like a lot of others, I like the start of the school year, with all the new, unused notebooks waiting to be filled with knowledge and unread books full of secrets waiting to be learned!!  I also like the end of the school year, because it’s my birthday and the notebooks are now full to bursting and I’ve completed some studies!

Speaking of books, I have to ask why it’s so hard to find Caribbean authors.  I was on a search for some works by Caribbean, and more specifically Trinidadian/Tobagonian writers, and it’s really difficult to find any.  As hard as it is to find the “classic” people who I would have known while growing up  (like Naipaul, Selvon, etc) it’s worse when trying to find newer artistes.  I was happy to find a few works from Paul Keens-Douglas (one of my favourite Trini storytellers/poets) on YouTube.  But my awesome friends were able to supply me with several names and book titles, a couple of which are on Amazon so I can search further.  I imagine, although I can’t verify, that finding authors from non-north American or Western European countries is similarly challenging.  I don’t know enough about African/Indian/Chinese/Philippino/et al, literature to determine how easy it is to find works in general.  When I’m in the Caribbean, the section for Caribbean books is a single case, about 2m x 60cm with maybe 30 - 40 titles, including history, cooking, fiction and nature (fish/birds/plants)   I actually have more Trini cookbooks on my shelf than the stores do; in part because I have several that are out of print now.  Anyway, I’m in search of the following, if anyone can point me in the right direction, please and thanks! 

  • Trinidadian / Caribbean mythology and folk tales;
  • West African myths (Anansi tales);
  • Trinidadian literature
  • Illustrated Russian fairy tales

I know, the last one doesn’t match the others, but I had a beautiful book of Russian fairy tales when I was growing up, which disappeared somewhere and I’d like to reread it.  I’ve found online versions of various tales, but they’re not the same as my book.  As for the others, I remember several tales that had been collected in at least one book that we had in our class library in school but again, I can’t locate what I’m seeking.  Any leads are greatly appreciated.

That’s enough for tonight.  I’ve got homework to do for my niece and other homework for my baby niece and nephew (who will soon not be babies any longer!!) so I’d better get on to that.  Have a good night all!


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