
Another fairly mild day today, with intermittent sunshine between some light clouds.  The forecast calls for frost overnight, and down to just above freezing at dawn.  We’ll see how it goes; I’m less and less inclined to want to go outdoors as it gets colder, and I find it challenging to keep warm now.  Jerry was a naughty dog today.  His long, telescopic legs get him in trouble, and he managed to pull a box of some chocolates off the dining table, and he ate a couple of pieces before I realized what had happened.  He was then sick all over his blanket.  He’s trying to snuggle up and be all affectionate, and at the moment he’s licking Don’s ears and sitting on his shoulder.  Don is walking more easily and says that he feels stronger, which continues to be good news for me.  It takes a load off my shoulders when he’s doing better.  He’s got more sports to watch, and was interested to hear that cricket has been added to the Olympics for next year.  He’s not interested in cricket, but he knows that my dad is, and thought I’d be excited.  He’s also wondering if Trinidad will qualify a team.  I’m not sure, but if they do, I’m likely to watch.

I slept for an unbroken 5 hours last night.  That was absolutely awesome!  I then had another short nap and was awake an hour earlier than my usual time, not feeling tired.  I like that.  I did try working on my exercises from the physiotherapist, but I wasn’t able to complete all the balance work.  I felt unsteady, so I stopped, and will retry tomorrow, probably starting with the ones I couldn’t finish today.  I got some video today from my niece of my dad out walking with the nurse.  She’s accompanying him but not holding him except when he began climbing the steps to get into the house.  He’s walking slowly, but he’s able to manage independently, so that’s good.  He’s still arguing because he has to listen to the nurse, but is eating well, sounds strong, and he eventually does what he’s been asked to do, so that’s all very encouraging.

I’m beginning to think about Christmas presents.  I’ve got an extra opportunity this year to send gifts for my family as my sister and her family will be heading home in November, so I can send some small things for everyone.  That would be lovely, as normally I can’t send anything by mail — it’ll never arrive! — or I take with me when I go in winter, which is unlikely this year.  It does mean that everything must be shipped to her to arrive by the end of October so it gets included in their bags, and they can be distributed in time for the holidays.  It’s been at least 9 years since I was last there for Christmas, and I always miss a Trinidad Christmas — the music, food, decorations, and of course the people!  Yes, I can cook the food myself, but it’s no fun doing it for just 2 people, and there are a couple of items that are intended to be made by family groups and it takes me at least 3 days to do them on my own.  Some careful planning is required to get stuff home and then to decide what’s important for meals.

Don’t worry; I won’t be throwing myself headlong into cooking feasts or planning elaborate items or anything of the sort.  I’ll carefully assess my energy and make the things I like the most to have at different times.  I know that things like cakes and cookies are probably a priority as someone has a sweet tooth and will double fist them as soon as they’re cool enough to handle.  It’s always a race to be able to get any myself 😁

It’s about time for me to eat, so I’m off in search of food.  The dog is trying to change the channel and block the screen so if I can sneak out that might be good.  Good night!


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